Freezing temps - should I keep chickens in coop?

We have a cold front coming in and it's going to be way below freezing all week.  I hate keeping them cooped up, but I'm worried about them getting frostbite or worse.  Should I kepe them in the coop until it warms up?  It will be back into the 20's by Friday, so it would just be for a few days.  Thanks!

Do you want a good laugh?? I live in Perth WA and it reaches no where near freezing, in fact freezing to us Is closer to 15° and I put blankets in their coop then settle them in with warm water bottles and a heat pad that lasts 12 hours!! Imagine what I would be like if it actually got to freezing (probably take them to bed with me haha)
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I have a coop that's 12 feet X 30 feet and have 11 chickens. Is this coop too small? There are 8 nesting boxes, heated water, deep bedding, and 2 heat lamps with free choice food and oyster shell.
It's been 25 -35 below zero and when we let them free range in the barn, they seem very cold. Is the coop too small to keep them in? Any thoughts anyone?
I have a coop that's 12 feet X 30 feet and have 11 chickens. Is this coop too small? There are 8 nesting boxes, heated water, deep bedding, and 2 heat lamps with free choice food and oyster shell.
It's been 25 -35 below zero and when we let them free range in the barn, they seem very cold. Is the coop too small to keep them in? Any thoughts anyone?

Should be plenty of space.

Is the coop well ventilated?

Dry is more important than warm in cold temps.
Sounds like you have something spreading around from bird to bird. (obviously) You need to isolate the sick ones far from the healthy ones before the rest of them all catch it too.

I looked on the internet for the definition of a "bank barn" and I think you have a stall inside a bigger barn, is that right? When chickens have a confined space that is built for the number of birds you need to house, then they can generate enough heat to keep themselves warm. It must be well ventilated and kept fairly clean when they are confined inside. You have more control over what they are exposed to inside a structure with 4 sides and a roof over it.

We free range our 12 chickens so we have avoided respiratory issues so far in almost 20 months. There may be something in the bedding - parasite or bug that is making them sick. They may be living too close to other animals' waste that is making them sick. They may not have enough ventilation to keep from breathing something that is in the barn.

I'm sorry you are going through this. I can tell you are in a panic looking for an answer. I'm not well versed about sick chickens, so my ideas are just suggestions. Your local County Extension Agent might be able to help. In Kansas they are a Dept of Ag service provided to local farmers to get help with crop problems, soil testing for gardening problems, and maybe they can provide guidance.

Time is of the essence. I pray you find a solution to save the rest of your flock.

I have a problem! I have my chickens in a stall in my bank barn. I have a heat lamp on them but not directly. I keep plenty of food out for my 30 chickens and they can go outside but never do, like ever... Ive fixed my water problem, but some chickens are breathing heavy and weird. I had 4 chickens die in the past 3 days. Temperatures are below -10 and no one is getting frostbite (THANKFULLY) but everyone is super skinny! Very few of them are nice and fatty but some are bone! Any ideas?
Also they will only eat cracked corn.... They have been throwing the crumble and pellets on the ground. Ive tried mixing their food but they are too smart for that! xD Help?
You may want to post this in the emergency/diseases/injuries and cures section to get a bigger audience with people well versed in chicken sickness. Sorry you are going through this
and sorry for your losses.
Mine will not venture into the yard with snow on the ground. They seem completely happy to stay in the run all day, even with a new rooster learning to crow. Their run is nearly completely covered with clear, heavy duty shower curtain liners. I may try to lure them out with treats when the temp hits 25 tomorrow... They get to choose where they really want to be!

Homemade 73 watt bulb water heater in the run.
No plans to heat the coop.

I'll be on the lookout for shower curtain sales in preparation for next winter!
Thanks RonP - I appreciate your response. Yes, the coop is ventilated. It is inside our barn and fully enclosed with chicken wire and lumber with a solid roof - but the walls are wire. On typical days, we open the barn doors. But lately, with 25 below windchills, the barn doors have been kept closed. There is plenty of ventilation inside the barn though, even with the doors closed.

Thanks for your reply.
I have a problem! I have my chickens in a stall in my bank barn. I have a heat lamp on them but not directly. I keep plenty of food out for my 30 chickens and they can go outside but never do, like ever... Ive fixed my water problem, but some chickens are breathing heavy and weird. I had 4 chickens die in the past 3 days. Temperatures are below -10 and no one is getting frostbite (THANKFULLY) but everyone is super skinny! Very few of them are nice and fatty but some are bone! Any ideas?
Also they will only eat cracked corn.... They have been throwing the crumble and pellets on the ground. Ive tried mixing their food but they are too smart for that! xD Help?

What was your water problem.... Are you feed a fully balanced high quality feed... Have you tried ACV in the water... Do they have a supply of granite grit to "chew" their food... How many other animals are in the barn and what kind.....
There could be a "fresh air supply" condition in the barn...
I have a problem! I have my chickens in a stall in my bank barn. I have a heat lamp on them but not directly. I keep plenty of food out for my 30 chickens and they can go outside but never do, like ever... Ive fixed my water problem, but some chickens are breathing heavy and weird. I had 4 chickens die in the past 3 days. Temperatures are below -10 and no one is getting frostbite (THANKFULLY) but everyone is super skinny! Very few of them are nice and fatty but some are bone! Any ideas?
Also they will only eat cracked corn.... They have been throwing the crumble and pellets on the ground. Ive tried mixing their food but they are too smart for that! xD Help?
Maybe your chickens are malnutrition if they only eat cracked corn (like a junk food diet). When my chickens get picky with their layer pellets, I mixed watery hot oatmeal with their layer feed pellets in the morning, they like it a lot. Supplement with some high protein diet to fatten them up to fend for the cold weather and cut back on treats. Vent out the barn to give them some fresh air.

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