French Black Copper Maran pullet copper neck feathering


6 Years
Nov 1, 2013
I purchased a FBCM pullet that was hatched 2-21-16 so she's 4-1/2 months old. I was just wondering if the copper feathering in the neck will still come in or in some cases, they don't ever get the copper color?
She does have feathered toe on each leg. Does anyone raise this breed and have an answer. Sure would appreciate a comment. Thanks!
I think at this age, what you see is what you're going to get. Males do increase their markings up to around a year, but if a female isn't showing any copper at this point I don't think she's going to.

I've been researching the black copper color a bit lately, thinking it's a breed I'm going to work with. I didn't realize how difficult the correct copper color is to achieve on females, but apparently it's not as easy as all that. About half of my hens have just a touch of copper at the throat. It's going to be interesting to see how the first generation turn out, and I'll cull from there.
I raise that breed. My youngest chicks were born in April. They are showing the copper already, except one. I would agree that what you have, is what it is. However, I've seen other breeds dramatically change colors after a molt.

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