French frogs

Why? You fixing to spend some time in the Greybar Hotel?

Spending some quality time with dear old dad
Most of the men in my family are like me, big, loud, obnoxious people with a twisted sense of humor. Throw in a good dose of substance abuse and daddy issues, and it's always quite interesting

Guess that's why I'm extra flocky today.
By tomorrow evening I will be curled up in a ball on my couch, sucking my thumb...
You should video and put it on youtube. At least you could make a little money for all of the trouble. Maybe even cover bail?
@SallySunshine, just remember that a boy's entire existence is based on holes... creating and filling, then repeat process. If you have something that needs holes in your craft shop hook them up! Need holes filled, hand them the tool, just be aware the holes may be dug out again or new holes made.
No reminder necessary
Nooooo reminder necessary

You omitted that part in your rant post #3507
she took note of post #3507

My family looks at me just like you guys do. I say shocking things, and I may step on a few toes, but the laughs are worth it

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