French Maran, Blue Maran or just an Ole Grey hen?

Krs Yng Chicks

7 Years
Jul 7, 2016
South West Florida

Was told she is a French Maran, she is the queen of the coop, well respected by all including Mr. Big, although she doesn't let him near her back side. She seems to be broody, is in the nesting box when I close them up at night and still there in the morning. I wait about an hour, go back to the coop and then shoo her out, no eggs. I was told she lays the darkest brown eggs, but have not had the pleasure of seeing one.

Is she what is called a Blue Maran, maybe? Any help in identifying would be much appreciated. Also advice on whether I let her sit in the coop and brood in the hopes she lays an egg or do I keep her out. Wondering if her laying days are perhaps over?

Sorry for photo quality, an old iPhone is what I have. Thanks!

The pics aren't to clear but I can see some shank feathering. So its possible she is a French Marans. She doesn't strike me as an old hen. Is she? Why would you think she's done laying? Unless she is older.
The pics aren't to clear but I can see some shank feathering. So its possible she is a French Marans. She doesn't strike me as an old hen. Is she? Why would you think she's done laying? Unless she is older.

I know my neighbor has lived in the house for 9 years, don't know how long she had the chickens, just assumed since she had them when I moved here 1.5 years ago and I have never seen her lay any of the dark eggs that were talked about. I will ask my neighbor for ages when I see her next. She is in and out, most at the new house. I was told all the chickens are French Marans, but she just looks so different from all the others. I will post another thread with more pictures of the others. Am at a loss to discern male from female.


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