Frequent Double yolks


Nov 5, 2022
South Louisiana
I have a Crested Cream Legbar fromMeyers ,she is a 28 November hatch.

She started laying a lovely blue egg about 7 weeks ago. She had several soft eggs,wasnt concerned.she started laying regularly a nice large to xl egg..but very quickly found her having jumbo eggs, double yokes about 3 out of every 5 eggs. She doesnt eat differently than the rest. They are not ever contained,free range over 7 acres of good pasture..i keep a grit/calcium station,3 sizes oyster shell

I feed nutrena nature wise all flock..i give asmall amount of scratch twice daily for head count/ injury check...

I have tsc olive egger who lays double yolk once every 4-6 weeks.

I have an occassional other double yolk like every 2-3 months

I know it will affect her lifespan and layi

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