Fresh eggs can't be hard boiled?

I've got a friend who claims she has been having luck with steaming the egg rather than boiling them and they peel great, I have yet to try it but she has done it a couple times now, she doesn't shock then either
An ice-water bath while peeling works best. The temperature difference between the hot inside and outside shell creates a gap between the membrane and egg, but you don't always have ice water around. So I tried to do a controlled study last spring using 4 methods: salt, vinegar, or soda in the water or a pin hole in the large end. The pinhole worked best but wasn't perfect. Then I did another round to see if adding one of the first 3 ingredients to the water helped the eggs with pinholes peel better. Trouble is, I forgot those results. At least you have 2 good methods now. It's easier than you might think to push a pin through the eggshell, and the egg doesn't leak out if you don't push too deep.
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I hadn't heard of it either until she told me I think she saw the suggestion on Facebook and have it a shot. I haven't been in the boiled egg mood lately but I want to try it too

Large restaurants have steamers one of which I used to use for large pans of eggs. 4 dozen eggs hard boiled in 13 mins. So nice. The shock is just as much to stop the cooking process as anything else. You should also think of the inner skin like shrink wrap and if its not broken while fresh it'll lock everything back down, shell and all.
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I have a question.

I just boiled my eggs for the first time. But the eggs seemed to have pits in them. Is this normal?


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