Friday the 13th Hatch a Long

I candled the 7 Marans I have going
1- clear (no development at all)
2 - looking good (nice and dark shadow, barely see thru)
4 - iffy (nice shadows but not as dark as the good 2)

so looking like I can hope for 2 to hatch, fingers crossed for more.
Bailed 8 eggs last night, 5 infertile and 3 quitters. I think there are 3 more quitters but I left them in the bator until lock down. Are ya'll going to stop turning them on the 3rd or 4th?
I set my eggs late evening so I was going to stop turning them in the evening. I'm not sure how much it matters but I might just do it in the morning when I have time.
I was taking to Brenda at Littlepeddlers Marans, she said I should leave the eggs in until day 24 just to be sure. She has been a great help. I only removed the 1 egg that was totally clear. 6 more in the bator, fingers crossed!
Did anyone ever try hatching them in egg cartons? Instead of taking them out of the turner on day 18 and laying them on their sides just put them in the bottom half of an egg carton and letting them hatch in there. There's a couple good threads on here about it and it seems successful so I think I'm going to try that method.
Tomorrow is lockdown! Fingers crossed for me!
the last hatch I only got 3 chicks out of 7 (shipped Marans eggs) and of those I think 2 are boys
one is a lovely Blue Copper Marans Pullet, she is pretty cute

post pictures and updates as we hatch - so egg-cited!
Candled & moved the 9 remaining eggs to the Cooler 'Bator yesterday morning. They hadn't lost enough moisture yet, even though I've been doing a dry hatch.
Probably due to adding "fresh" eggs to the incubator (& double-stacking), resulting in less surface area of the eggs to be exposed.
I re-candled last night & this morning, and they've lost more, so probably by tonight I'll add some water.
I think they might be a day late, anyways, due to cooler incubator temps when I first set them.
This morning they looked more like what I remember when I've put eggs in lockdown before.
No internal pips yet, so I don't think I'll have any "early birds".

Dreamed about chicks hatching last night, so I'm obviously excited about it, too.

Still have to get chick starter & set up the brooder in the "storage room".
I was planning on selling all the chicks asap, but since so few made it to lockdown, I'm going to wait until at least the 2nd batch of eggs hatch.
And I may just want to keep a few myself, but we'll see. I already have a few people waiting for chicks, so I do need to fulfill those orders.
well, the turner is removed and the shelf liner is in (good grip for babies on shiny bator bottom)
fingers crossed everyone!

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