Friendly Chicken breeds?

Chicken George

7 Years
Feb 25, 2012
Today my little brother's favorite chick was killed by a broody today and he is devestated. It was an easter egger who was super friendly. Are there any breeds that are super friendly around kids?
I'm in favor of the English Orpingtons, but Orpingtons in general are very friendly a lot depends on how much you handle them. There are a lot of wonderful friendly breeds,
We love marans.... they are friendly if held from hatch daily and will lay awesome dark brown eggs. Our EE's were pretty friendly too. Had some sex links and they grew to be too friendly lol
I have several breeds of chickens, and my OEG bantams are the friendliest. A few of the little hens are so friendly that they will sit on my shoulders and coo at me .But they might just be asking for the raisins, I have in my pocket :lol:,
Very helpful thread! This is our first go round with chickens so I got several different breeds.
We are actually planning to get rid of a couple and get different chickens for a couple different reasons, so we are looking at options of friendly breeds to get too.
Our Buff Orpington is super sweet! Our New Hampshire Red is also very sweet. They both will come when called, eat out of our hands, even sit on our laps sometimes.
Our production reds do come when called, I think mainly because they usually get treats when called, but they don't like to be touched. So they will come around us, but don't try to reach for them or they'll take off.
The SLW is cute, a joy to watch, but she won't come too close to us, if there is food she'll sneak in to grab a peice then off away from us to eat it. She keeps her distance and is skittish.
The Speckled Sussex is very skittish as well. She won't come near us if she has a choice and if you corner her she'll tell the whole world about it. She is very noisy, unfriendly, and a terrible alpha hen being mean to all the others. (She is one that we are getting rid of).
So that's our experience with the breeds we have.

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