Gammas Bearded Babies

Crossing the Road
May 24, 2021
Middle Tennessee
New to raising kids got them for me for mother's day (at my encouragement I might add).
You see our Rottweiler had just passed away the day after we returned from our vacation. She was 8 yrs old...she was our 5th rottie in our 30 years together. So I decided with my health problems it was time for something different.
I should have done a lot more research - yes. But here we are.
I was trying to go as inexpensive as possible cuz of my husband's frustration with the whole thing. So I got one of those "rinky dink" pre-fab coops off Amazon. NO idea they sell stuff that isn't properly designed for what they are selling it for (NO ventilation whatsoever). I paid our son-in-law to assemble it for me so as not to bother my husband with it. Then soon realize after just a few days that they need more run space for sure...and I figured surely I could do that. I did...and husband helped attach it to the rinky dink coop structure. I'm still working in ventilation but drilled lots of holes in the meantime.
The problem I've been having is getting the chicks to go into the coop at night. They are only 5 wks old - and with my limitations I've found I have to shut up the run couple hours before bedtime so that I don't have to wrestle getting into said rinky dink run to grab each of them. I've tried treats, food, I've been working with them since day 1...but I still have to get em individually against their will.
We've been managing fairly well til last night when major thunderstorm poured down on us! I quickly tried to go get them but soon remembered I had just gotten my hair done the day before (unable to do my own hair so it gets done once a week). And they weren't budging from the one itsy bitsy area they thought they were safe in - up against the house near the propane gas tank right beside the area underneath the deck. I thought maybe I can coax them under the deck with me so they don't get so wet.
See since being on BYC I have read and tried to learn a lot the past few weeks since finding this app! So I thought the wasted space underneath the deck would make for a good open area (run) and I could move the coop/ run over to it and attach it so that I could add more ventilation (which is next to impossible with it up against the house where it is currently).
So thinking the deck would be great spot for us as the rain got even harder and turned sideways, I kneeled down under there calling them, twisted my wrist and ended up sitting under there the next 30 mins as it poured...and no they never budged to join me.
BUT I did learn that the deck is definitely NOT gonna work as it is right now for them cause I was beyond soaked...mostly from the bottom side where the rain was draining from the house and cracks in decking because our deck isn't covered...

I know most of yall are thinkin this woman is dumber than a box of rocks.
It's the common sense type things that frustrate me soooooo much! Ever since my health went downhill, my brain did too!

And right before the monsoon rain hit, I noticed a really long limb near the bottom of our yard. I was on the deck and thought- I don't remember seeing a limb down there earlier...then it moved! Had to be every bit of 5-6 feet long! We have only ever seen 6 inch snakes around here before...with the exception of 1 skin that was shed in our azaleas few years ago. I was spellbound watching this long thing as a little northeastern bluebird stood just a few inches from it, eyeballing it, toying with it. And the snake just slithered on by.
So now I have that to try and figure I'm sure he will be back.

I really enjoy watching the Lil chicks...they are mesmerizing and peaceful. But I hate they don't come to me, won't eat the treats, and then all the other accommodations mentioned above that they need to survive are sooooo overwhelming and i'm just frustrated.
Thanks for reading this if you hung in there with me til now! And a BIG thanks to all of you that keep answering my idiotic questions over n over.
The fact that you are here on byc to learn all you can speaks to your Intelligence! Being new to chickens in no way makes you "dumb as a box of rocks", nor does it make your questions idiotic. I have had chickens for seven years now and have learned tons from byc and also from personal experiences. Yet there are people on byc who have had poultry for 50+ years, and Many others who know much more than i likely ever will.

You are among countless people who have bought and will continue to buy prefab coops that are much too small and much too flimsy for their intended purpose. That will continue for as long as people keep discovering they want cute little chicks that will eventually lay beautiful delicious eggs. And btw there are also countless tragic threads on the "predators" forum where people built their runs using chicken wire, then tragically learned about the only predator chicken wire Will keep out is hawks, IF the wire is used on top of the run and has no holes for easy entry. Chicken wire was originally used to keep chickens out of gardens. In other words, chicken wire keeps chickens Out, but allows most all predators easy access to chickens.

Have you posted photos of the coop in the "coop and run" forum, along with approximate coop size dimensions? For whatever reason(s), your chicks dont see the coop as their protected safe haven.

You will learn Many things here from others here on byc, but there are some issues you will only figure out for yourself. For example, discovering in a Torrential Thunderstorm that underneath your deck is Not an ideal place for a chicken run after all!

Your chicks will almost certainly become more trusting and friendly as they approach point of lay. Remember that chickens are prey to most all other animals, so it is hardwired into their brains to be fearful and distrusting until they are sure the situation is safe. Chickens are new to you, but Everything is new to your chicks! Be patient and continue to spend time with them. In time they will realize you are their best friend.

When you mentioned the large snake next to the songbird, i just knew you were gonna say the snake killed and ate the bird. The fact it didnt do so meant only thst the snake wasnt hungry. Yes it will be back, & a snake that large is a definite threat to your chicks. (Countless threads on the Predator forum about snakes killing chicks as old as 3 months old, as well as bantam adults too.)

Its not easy to keep chicks/chickens healthy and safe. But they dont ask for much (except that OK they are eternally hopeful for endless treats.) For what you do for/give to them, chickens will repay you many times over with their quirky, funny behaviors and eventually serve you breakfast daily. As they mature, you will discover the delight of being enthusiastically greeted by your chickens as they come running whenever they see you. Some will only come running in hope of treats, but others will do so out of pure affection for you, their very own personal "Ms. Chicken Lady"!
As I read your post, I wanted to Welcome you to BYC. This is the place to be and share you highs and lows and ask a Zillion questions. I agree with @Allsfairinloveandbugs 100%.

I am also sorry about the recent death of your Beloved dog. They have a way to touch our hearts and inner souls to the point we grieve their loss, probably too long. Again a lot of us share your heart ache for your loss.
The good thing is:
You gained a lil flock to occupy your time and researched the Best Chicken forum in the world! We have Experts to Novice chicken keepers from all over the world on here.
We ALL started our Chicken Story book at the beginning, Just like you and now seasoned flock raisers are here to help you along your new journey.

Lol, I wanted to share that my grown son drove up to our house before Mothers Day one year with 6 chicks in a coop, he made from wood and chicken wire! It also included round small limbs for "perches" and it was too small for 6 pullets.
But, I was thrilled and I had to quickly become a new chicken Mama and I came here.
This is where I started my "Chicken Keeping Story Book" as many on BYC.

Keep reading, learning and ask questions. Take pictures and post them. READ, READ some more.
Navigate the site and the tabs. You will find specific directions on how to take pictures and post them with your questions and concerns for the best % for a return answer.
Remember: Sometimes you will not recieve an immediate response. But, be patient because we are all volunteers wanting to help one another and depending on the time zone, people might be sleeping or working or just enjoying their Flock. So, Don't give up.
We are Egg-cited you joined us.
I'd love to see pictures of you flock and learn what breed of chickens you have.
Thank u @Allsfairinloveandbugs!
Have you posted photos of the coop in the "coop and run" forum, along with approximate coop size dimensions? For whatever reason(s), your chicks dont see the coop as their protected safe haven.
I have on the gallery...but I will do that in the other forum as well (atleast I don't think I did yet).
This is with the 8sqft addition the the run.
Originally the coop/run was
"OVERALL DIMENSIONS 65.2”(L) x 26.4”(W) x 47.6”(H) Provide LARGER 14.7ft² ground activity space for your pets"
Thank u too @Vickischics!
I'd love to see pictures of you flock and learn what breed of chickens you have

From 1 wk to now 5 wks...really didn't expect all 4 to live. We were going to get just 3 and were encouraged to get an extra for that purpose. But here we are!
1 polish named Polish (cuz I'm just simple-minded)
1 blue silkie my adult daughter that went with me to pick up these cuties named Mango
2 paint silkies that when discussing names with my daughter, we remembered the ducks we had years ago when she was small (Quaker & Cheese and Millie and Edmond). So Milli got stuck in my head so the 2 paints are named Milli Vanilli from the duo in the 90s that lip sang at awards on TV and got caught!:lau
Anyway that's my flock...half my family says I've definitely lost it...and based on how many times I have found myself sitting underneath my deck now cuz these little fluff balls I tend to agree! 😆
Thank u too @Vickischics!

From 1 wk to now 5 wks...really didn't expect all 4 to live. We were going to get just 3 and were encouraged to get an extra for that purpose. But here we are!
1 polish named Polish (cuz I'm just simple-minded)
1 blue silkie my adult daughter that went with me to pick up these cuties named Mango
2 paint silkies that when discussing names with my daughter, we remembered the ducks we had years ago when she was small (Quaker & Cheese and Millie and Edmond). So Milli got stuck in my head so the 2 paints are named Milli Vanilli from the duo in the 90s that lip sang at awards on TV and got caught!:lau
Anyway that's my flock...half my family says I've definitely lost it...and based on how many times I have found myself sitting underneath my deck now cuz these little fluff balls I tend to agree! 😆
I loved that. "Girl you know its..., Girl you know its... NOT TRUE!!!:lau
Thats too funny you named the two Milli Vanilli. Lol
@laneaj , have you discovered the term "chicken tv" yet? Watching chicken tv is really great, as you have now discovered for yourself underneath your deck. But beware of "chicken math", cause thats also a real thing. There are some hilarious threads on byc about chicken math. I didnt know about chicken math until i was already in big trouble. Out-of-control chicken math often occurs soon after a person discovers how much they enjoy watching chicken tv.!😁

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