Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to collapse

Ramblings of a lunatic. I'm not trying to insult the guy but that is just too far out there.. I wouldn't worry about it.
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There is plenty to worry about with Fukoshima without people like this in the mix.

The Japanese government has said that the reactors are worse off than they thought. They also admit that there isn't much they can do to fix it because they can't safely get anyone in. They say they need to come up with a solution...I doubt the UN has a solution. They aren't any more likely to have radiation suits good enough to get in there to see what needs to be done.
Better up our life insurance and get radiation coverage. What can we here really do? If it happens it happens. Better get your ducks in a row.
Wonder if the people that approved it to be built are still alive? Send them in to fix it...

I guess not much we can do... better enjoy today and start making tinfoil hats for you and your loved ones..
Got my attention Lothirial, YIKES!

A quick google seems to indicate that the Fukushima plants are still in very very serious condition. I expect the consequences will be with us for centuries. And there are going to be bad things related to this. Scary stuff.

But I'm not buying that the world will end. At least not yet.

Quote: red,
Shiny side in or out?


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