Full cycle.


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2016
Central Florida
So this is my story. Need some advice. (which I am sure has already been posted) but wanted to share.

1) Bought TSC incubator, forced air w/ egg turner. Local hardware store had quail trays.

2) Found fertile coturnix eggs local CL seller. Purchased 6 dozen + a few extra.

3) Set and waited... For some reason thought the time was 18 days... Have found 16/17 days to be closer. Many Google searches and always ended up here with good advice.

4) went to remove egg turner on day 14 already had hatch-lings. ????? I think I missed counted my days (CRS).
5) by day three had about a 50% hatch rate.

Reasons maybe unknown source of eggs. had some bad eggs in incubator... And the biggest challenge living in Florida with record heat and humidity... ( incubator in shed that we use also as outdoor kitchen so not closed up all the time.) Lost 3 to heat once hatched. :( one born with crippled leg.

6) grow out birds... Which were a mix of A&M, Buffs, think one or two Reds?(very dark). and the typical brown.
So grow out..... Had one get sick... Think bonked head.... Put by herself never fully recovered.. but survived. Was able to sex (thanks to BYC)... Separated and ended up with a full set of A&M (4 hens to 1 Male). So in total ended up with 16 hens and 15 males. Nice mix... Picked the largest males to keep.

7) They get busy laying... The first set to start laying had one hen laying two eggs a day... One good and one bad (soft shell) So added calcium to diet.

30% protein feed was hard to find... so was using 24% feed. Finally found 30% in a 50lb bag...

Had two hens in different pens get infected feet... (forgot what you call it found the info on here) so they went to butcher.

8) ok time for round two... Was really hoping for a higher hatch rate with more control of the eggs. also candled eggs... just to find cracks.. Worked well. Moved incubator inside to more controlled temp.... Kitchen table.

9) once again start hatching right after removing egg turner on day 14 (one). He was born splayed legged. Had almost a 50% hatch rate... Even waited till day 21 before giving up.... Had about 10 pipe but did not hatch..... ????? Fully developed.
had one I helped he was deformed.. neck twisted.. could not get off his back....it was a very large egg and he was large.

When I removed the egg turner had moved incubator back to the shed....had one day the temp spiked due to the outside temp of 100. Not sure for how long, got it cooled down as fast as I could.

So about to start round 3.... Have eggs every where...LOL We pickled about 80...with a Cajun recipe, not sure how they are going to taste...
Anyway any suggestions on why I had so many pipe but not hatch????
Or what am I doing wrong.... I would love a higher hatch rate....Just seems like such a waste to lose so many.

Thanks everyone for all the post and knowledge shared here at BYC...
Have you calibrated/checked your thermometer to make sure it is reading correctly? Slightly high temps can cause early hatching. Temperature spikes depending how high and how long can cause hatching failures.
Sourland did not even think to do that even though I have read everyone does check it. Will do it before I set this next set.

The temp spike was what incubator temp said 105.... may have only been that high for an hour maybe two...

Thanks for the tip.... Will let you know how it comes out.
Not sure of your hatching habits but having many full grown pipping but not hatching points to a loss in humidity, possibly from opening the bator to remove dry chicks. It's hard to wait but leave the lid closed for two days from first hatch to give all your babies a chance to zip while the humidity is high enough. Search on this site for "shrink wrap" for info.
You don't say what temp and humidity you are running at. It should be 99.5 degrees and 45-50% humidity first 14 days then 60 -70% during lock down. Some will disagree but that what I try to keep mine at.

If you have chicks hatching at 14 days then your temp is way to high, you need to get another thermometer to check against the one you have. I would lower them temp your running now by 1 degree and see what happens on the next hatch.

I've had lots of foot problems with chicks that are hatched 3&4 days late, so now if they don't hatch by day 19 I'm done.

Good luck with your next try and keep us up dated.
The incubator was reading right at 99.5 and 100.0 degrees for the first two hatches... I just put my indoor /outdoor digital inside the incubator was reading 105.0 Lowered incubator temp to 95.5 now it is reading 97.5 degrees... Will keep playing with it. My humidity is around 50 to 60%... But if the temp is off wondering if that reading could be off too. The humidity is hard for me to keep steady... Think because of my location (100% most days)... LOL I will do a search on here and see where I can get a replacement temp and humidity reader.

Sad I never thought about the temp being to high... Glad I posted... Will keep you updated. With each passing day more eggs to put in. LOL
They have plenty of them on ebay. Can get them real cheap from china if not in a hurry. A lot of them only read Celsius so make sure it will read Fahrenheit also. I like the kind with a 2 or 3 foot probe on them.

LOL 105 should spit them out real early.
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Ok Purchased new temp and humidity reader (Walmart under $10.00)... Day two of watching the temps and humidity. It seems to be all over.. Humidity is pretty much on the money. The temp, seems to be just a degree off. I set the temp. on the incubator... The temp. was reading 3 degrees lower.... {------} Going crazy..... I changed wear it was plugged in (think they may be the cause) At least I hope...

ehuman Looked at the Sticky Chick and Shrink Wrap... Mine looked more like a sticky chick..... Also looked up Lock down.... This information was not clear to me.... I get that you wait to pull the chicks out.. But for how long??? Mixed information on that... Will take any advice... Guess it does not hurt them being kicked around like footballs....

I think I will put a sponge near one of the vent hole so I can just add water to it through the hole.

If opening to soon can cause a problem then that would explain some of my problems. Removing the egg turner can be a slow process, and if they were hatching when I removed the turner.... Could have caused some of the problems...

Another question what is the best temp for saving eggs for hatching? I have been keeping mine inside with air conditioning running. Saw someone was using a wine cooler to keep eggs. I ask because I would like to sell some of the eggs but want to be able to store them not on my kitchen table :), Don't forget living in Central Fl. Eggs can incubate at outside temps and humidity .LOL
After checking all suggestions... Humidity right temp right. Payed closer attention to the day count..... Yes Yes I know use a calendar. Went back and recounted days for previous hatches, and I did have early hatches but by just one day. Turns out the day count on the incubator looses a day from ever blink in power....

So I set 117 eggs 16 days ago. Decided to remove turner a day early. (gut feeling). Used a sponge to get humidity up to 75 - 80 %.... so on day 16 had five hatch-lings... so far...

Been poking around on the site and following some advice.... did not move incubator when I removed egg turner.... using a sponge..... Not going to open incubator when a few get dry and going to put a spray bottle near by....

while typing Count up to 11... hopefully will get more than a 50% hatch rate..... Thanks for all the advice.
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