Fun chat


6 Years
Mar 25, 2017
Petersboro, Utah
My Coop
My Coop
Just a chat thread where you can talk about whatever you want. So Joke, have fun, help each other out, or just talk about your hobbies. What ever you do, just remember to enjoy yourselves.
Hi! I just got pygmy goats today! She is sleeping with me
Yes, she is a kid only 5 days! The male is three months. Last night I did not get any sleep, she woke me at 1:00 am in the morning and I did not go back to sleep till 7:30.
Nice, you know, if you train them, you could go on hikes with them and have them carry packs and they will follow you every where( if raised right, which it sounds like you are), then you can climb rocks, and there will be your companions.

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