Fun Chicken Coop Names or Ideas?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 26, 2013
I currently have 3 coops set up for my chickens and it's already time to set up more. Since they are running out of space from behind a big oak tree, having them be visible from the rest of the yard is starting to become unavoidable. Which is why I've decided to start a 'chicken city' project to create an entire town out of my different coops. I was thinking of making things like a school house, Inn, clothing shop, etc., but I need names and ideas for decorations. I currently have the "Cluckingham Palace" as my largest coop and the "Barred Rock Cafe" for the medium one. The smallest one which is still really new doesn't have a name yet, but it would look good as some type of corner store maybe? My plan was to buy small dog houses that were already in different building styles that I could then modify to meet my needs. I already did it with one and it worked fine, so you can link to a doghouse you find as part of an idea if that helps. I'll list below the breeds of chickens I either already have or plan to get so you can use that for inspiration. Thank you in advance!
Also, I can post some more pictures tomorrow of the space and other coops if needed.

Chickens I already have (all are Bantams):
18 White Wyandottes
3 Barred Rocks
2 Americanas

Chickens I plan to get (also Bantams):
? Americanas
A lot of Blue Frizzle/White Crested Black Polish
1-2 Welsummers
1-2 German Spitzhaubens

Coop #1

Coop #2


Coop #3

Entire Area at the moment
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Love the little city idea. Maybe something with Cottage in it since it will be a small coop. The Clucker Cottage, Petite Challet?

Our coop is "The Chicks Shall-Lay"
My sons are watching reruns of 'Allo 'Allo. They have decided that my new chook house is called "Cafe Henee" (sorry, don't know how to do the funny line over the e) .
That's a great idea, thanks! I love the flower boxes on your coop maybe I'll plant some flowers around when it's finished.
Well in that case, another name is from Hogan's Heroes and the barracks they live our house it is "Stahl-egg 13". (Sorry if that is offensive to anybody.)

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