Fun in the Run


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Plainfield, IL
My Coop
My Coop
I just completed our new chicken run. I'm feeling it's a bit boring though. I added a roost, swing, and dust bath. I might add something to hang vegetables for the chickens. What else can I put in here?

If you're curious, the run is roughly 8x10ft and the coop is 8x10 too.
Ignore the electric coming up just inside the fence. That's from the old shed before we built this one last year. I'll be rerouting that very soon to put electric in the new shed/coop.

I might build a grazing frame in the run to let some grass fodder grow for the birds.

Still looking for other ideas though? What must-haves and nice-to-haves are in your run?
I've found they actually enjoy perching on shorter things during the day. Mine like to sit on the grazing frame that is about 7" off the ground. I had two perches in the run, one high and one low, and they only perched on the higher one in the evening when it was about time to go to bed.
I think what you have plus the grazing frame and a chair is good. That should leave enough room for scratching in the bedding/dirt, which is their favorite thing to do.

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