Fun "Social-Distancing" Things To Do With Chickens During Covid 19

Followed the advice! We setup a chair, had some chicken conversations, and took some pics:


Teach a chicken to come when you call her name.
This is Angel. Pardon our extremely newbie video abilities.
This ritual started by me lifting her up to the roost the other birds were on since she can't fly. She had been roosting on a low roost by herself. After a couple of days she started looking for me around roosting time. She would run (waddle-trot) to me to put her up with the others to stay warm. Now she is coming when called, no matter what time. She knows I have meal worms to reward her.
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We set up a chicken feeding station for neighborhood kids and it has been fun watching them come by to meet the girls when they are out for a walk with their families. The rules are: one handful of scratch only, and you have to wipe down the container and your hands w

hen you're done.

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