Funky Eggs/Anyone got an idea why one of my ladies lays these funky shape eggs?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 5, 2012
South Georgia, USA

I have 2 older Doms, 2 doms about two years old, 1 rhode island red about 2 years, 2 older buff orps & 2 red productions about 2 years old. No one in distress. Just one or more unusually large egg each week with shell defects. Egg so oblong that egg carton wont close properly. haha
I have a Welsummer that has done the torpedo eggs, as we call them, since starting to relay after her first molt. How long has this been going on? It's a nice big egg though!
The torpedo eggs with the old wrinkles That is what I call the pucker factor. When a hens schedule for laying the eggs changes a bit they sometimes are late in the day wanting to lay their egg. If it is approaching nightfall the hen will sort of hold onto the egg till the next day during daylight.
I feel they pucker up and the next egg starts to form thus causing the wrinkles in the eggs. A lot of times these wrinkled eggs are double yolkers as well..
You can get some unique eggs for sure. My favorites are the first couple of eggs from a new poult and they can be as small as a marble at times. I did have a collection of eggs here I drained out because of their uniqueness and shapes. Coated them with shellac and displayed them in an oversized homemade nest to show off to the customers and friends. Unfortunately my brothers search and rescue hound thought they were toys...and.... Steve
I will check. I actually have not craked one yet. I just put them in with the others & my mother in law has not told me if it had a double yolk. :)
llarsonll- My two young doms are going thru their 1st molt. Eggs slowed down during the winter, however I would get an egg like this maybe once every two weeks. Now I get one weekly. Just might be one of them. Thanks :)

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