Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Funny about the snow storms, I had a neighbor here in Indiana went to visit family in Dallas Texas for Christmas, and they made plans to go shopping early the next morning, well a snow storm came thru overnight and dropped 2 or 3 inches of snow. My nieghbors got up ate breakfast with the family and just before lunch time they asked if they where going shopping or not, they wasted the whole morning sitting around, they said what do you mean? everything is closed down because of the snow. They replied back home 3 inches of snow you didn't blink you just drive in it no problem, they where like you mean people actually drive threw snow????!!!!!!
Yep, we sure do! Otherwise us northerners would be in lockdown 6 months of the year. It snowed in northwestern WI today.
that being said about 2-3 inches, I will never move to your area, unless it's down the mountains a ways because I don't like snow and cold weather, I tell people whom say they want a white Christmas I will compromise and have a heavy frost that lasts to noon. I can live with a few inches but I don't want feet of that stuff. 3 years ago last January my area got a foot and a half. I had to get help because my car slid off my driveway and I needed to go to work, funny I live about 9 miles from my job, but co-workers who live blocks away couldn't make it. and one guy who usually walks a quarter mile cross country to work (he walks through lawns of apartment complexes and a few feet of private residences yards, but at least he asked permission of the owners first and it was in essence around a ditch, tree or fence that divided different complexes so the owners where happy to say yes to a guy who at least asked first and introduced himself) he ended up walking in and had to walk a little over a mile on the street to get there and he wondered the same thing.
that being said about 2-3 inches, I will never move to your area, unless it's down the mountains a ways because I don't like snow and cold weather, I tell people whom say they want a white Christmas I will compromise and have a heavy frost that lasts to noon. I can live with a few inches but I don't want feet of that stuff. 3 years ago last January my area got a foot and a half. I had to get help because my car slid off my driveway and I needed to go to work, funny I live about 9 miles from my job, but co-workers who live blocks away couldn't make it. and one guy who usually walks a quarter mile cross country to work (he walks through lawns of apartment complexes and a few feet of private residences yards, but at least he asked permission of the owners first and it was in essence around a ditch, tree or fence that divided different complexes so the owners where happy to say yes to a guy who at least asked first and introduced himself) he ended up walking in and had to walk a little over a mile on the street to get there and he wondered the same thing.
I can't stand snow either. We used to live in the desert 16 years ago, and boy do I miss it! I dread winters here. Our road out is like a old river bed or wash as we call them. Steep, narrow and nasty. We used to get stuck down here all the time when ever it snowed over one foot. Not even 4 wheel drive and tire chains would get you out. We don't have any road maintenance out here. We finally broke down and purchased a piece of road equipment so we could plow ourselves out. LOL Seeing the snow fall makes me ill. And of course the tourists just LOVE it! They can have it!

But yes, I know what you are talking trudge and strain to get to work in a blizzard, living far out from the office and the guy that lives next door can't get to work because he claims he is snowed in! LOL
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Ahh....the "one of our states is missing" thing. New Mexico! You would not believe how many people have no clue as to New Mexico being a state in the US and are sure it is still part of Mexico. As in, It must be the "NEW" part of Mexico!. I am 53 years old and would not have graduated school unless I knew every state in the union. How can one not know each state in the US? What really fries my gizzard is when there is some enormous snow storm or wind storm that moves over from AZ and across to TX, NEVER is New Mexico even mentioned as being in it's path. OMG...TX got a whole 2 inches of snow, and of course Phoenix got 2 .5 inches of snow. Meanwhile we are buried under 3.5 FEET of the stuff! Power outages, gas outages, cattle dying. I am sure the news media does not want to send up some red flag to those folks that are clueless about New Mexico, as to why they are speaking of some territory in Mexico!! We are a state in the union folks!

Whew....thank you for letting me vent.

Don't kids still have to learn all of the state capitols (meaning the learn the states at the same time) any more?
LOL...that is funny because we live near to a tiny tourist town that many Texans seem to call "their playground", up in the mountains. We can get a LOT of snow up here. And these Texans, and I am not insulting anyone here so do not take offense, :), but if 1 flake flies....out come the tire chains!! LOL Seriously. You can hear them coming miles off with the pounding of the chains on DRY pavement. They will drive like some old lady out for a Sunday drive when the tiniest flakes are in the air, not even sticking to the ground. Just crazy! LOL

Happens here in GA, too. Of course, you have to remember that we do not have the chains or snow tires or other equipment to deal with snow, since it typically melts quickly and is infrequent. People also aren't experienced in driving in the stuff, and most of it becomes ice within hours. As a result, 2 flakes, and the whole place comes to a standstill.
Don't kids still have to learn all of the state capitols (meaning the learn the states at the same time) any more?
Well, this is what they would have you think...that they are learning in school. But so many people, and I am not just talking about kids either, but adults as well do not know their states! Or the capitals of them. Countless articles written from folks here in NM about contacting people in other states and it comes back with..."Sorry maam, we do not ship to Mexico"...or "Sir, you will need a visa to come to this state being from Mexico"...LOL Incredible. The educational system really needs an overhaul.
Quote: how do you expect the teachers to teach what they don't even know???? My second grade teacher literally could have been replaced by a kindergarten student with an electric cattle prod to keep the students in line and we would have learned about as much. A student once had intestinal problems and was let's say they were raising a stink the whole class could hear/smell what was going on and she couldn't understand what the strange odor was. at least three times a week we would be close enough to lunch after she would run trough a lesson she would look at the clock and say we have x many minutes till lunch and start on your x homework and if you finish it start on your other work. After a while (only 5 grades in the school) we hear the 1st grade on one side of us get up and leave their room, next the 3rd grade other side of the room get up and walk past our class room and the 4rth and 5th followed past the door, about 10 minutes later we would hear over the 2 way intercom "Mrs. Y" is your class going to lunch today, yes, well they are holding lunch for 10 minutes for you, oh my! you would think an adult with normal sight and hearing would hear those 2 classes get up (her students did) and three classes pass by her OPEN classroom door, but apperiantly she couldn't with her own class silently doing their assignments.
how do you expect the teachers to teach what they don't even know???? My second grade teacher literally could have been replaced by a kindergarten student with an electric cattle prod to keep the students in line and we would have learned about as much. A student once had intestinal problems and was let's say they were raising a stink the whole class could hear/smell what was going on and she couldn't understand what the strange odor was. at least three times a week we would be close enough to lunch after she would run trough a lesson she would look at the clock and say we have x many minutes till lunch and start on your x homework and if you finish it start on your other work. After a while (only 5 grades in the school) we hear the 1st grade on one side of us get up and leave their room, next the 3rd grade other side of the room get up and walk past our class room and the 4rth and 5th followed past the door, about 10 minutes later we would hear over the 2 way intercom "Mrs. Y" is your class going to lunch today, yes, well they are holding lunch for 10 minutes for you, oh my! you would think an adult with normal sight and hearing would hear those 2 classes get up (her students did) and three classes pass by her OPEN classroom door, but apperiantly she couldn't with her own class silently doing their assignments.
Unfortunately the students are as only as smart as the teacher these days. I suppose things were going bad when we were in school, but it seems today, it is really going south. I don't know if it is a regional thing, as some kids are still being taught properly in some states. But then you have the other end of the scale and nobody knows anything, kids or teachers. I am glad I was raised when I was. Wouldn't want to be a kid these days. I am not perfect either, but at least I know all my 50 states and where they are located!
Don't kids still have to learn all of the state capitols (meaning the learn the states at the same time) any more?

I remember in High School Government class we had to memorize the presidents in order and were tested on it. The day of the test in class a buddy of mine pulled up his sleeves to reveal to me he written all the presidents on his arms. I said, "Are those in chronological order?" And he said, "What's that?"

I still don't understand why knowing the presidents in order was important. It's not something I retained.....

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