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They also forgot about a very loud and vocal bull. My hubby keeps telling me stories of why he hated his grandads bull. He would constantly moo and snort all night long.

They could have my extra roo. He is outside crowing his fool head off right now.
You could always add a jack donkey plus jennies in heat ... in separate but nearby pens. The little mini donkey out at the barn is infatuated with my horse and I've heard him bray from close to 2 miles away
I wrote to the poor dear, and yes it's totally neighbor issues! I guess the neighbor has taken to calling the cops for every little thing, here is a bit of what she wrote back:

Called police for my goats leaving terds on his yard but funny thing is that my goats were in their stall inside the secure stable--it was the DEER!!
Called police for the ducks floating down the creek eating bugs and swimming in the creek on his property.
Called police for my horses neighing too loud--that was so funny to discuss this with the officers!
Called the police for my 5 pound dog entering his property and for trying to attack his full grown Rottweiler. Police got a laugh out of that one!
Called police for my barn radio too loud.
Called police for us training at night or riding in the outdoor arena at night in the summer time.
Called police for shooting on OUR property during daytime hours!!

There was a bit more, eluding to the fact that this particular neighbor is not used to living in the country and should probably skeedaddle back to town.

She has 5 squealing pigs on the way to her house already, to get started with. It may not be the best way to handle neighbor issues, but you have to hand it to her for her ingenuity and sense of humor!
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Poor woman, send her a link here so we can get all the details!
We're all dying to know whats going on and can give lots of suggestions!

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