Funny sounding chicken?


Apr 13, 2022
This is my splash amerecauna about 24 weeks old. She has not laid yet, but her comb is starting to turn more pink/red. She has had a weird voice ever since I got her from the breeder. Is this normal or should I be concerned? She is eating normally and drinking. No discharge, can’t tell if there is an obstruction but she looks clear to me. She does sneeze from time to time, but nothing else. Her tail is always down but that has been the case since I got her as well. I added a video for reference. Hope it helps.

I know someone will ask about it so: Her chin feathers were plucked by another chicken out of boredom and I treated and covered up with the lotion goo(added distractions to peck at) and it seems to be stopping that problem for now. Her feathers are regrowing.


Thanks in advance. :bow
This is my splash amerecauna about 24 weeks old. She has not laid yet, but her comb is starting to turn more pink/red. She has had a weird voice ever since I got her from the breeder. Is this normal or should I be concerned? She is eating normally and drinking. No discharge, can’t tell if there is an obstruction but she looks clear to me. She does sneeze from time to time, but nothing else. Her tail is always down but that has been the case since I got her as well. I added a video for reference. Hope it helps.

I know someone will ask about it so: Her chin feathers were plucked by another chicken out of boredom and I treated and covered up with the lotion goo(added distractions to peck at) and it seems to be stopping that problem for now. Her feathers are regrowing.


Thanks in advance. :bow
I know nothing about chickens, breeds, etc., not to make light of your concerns, but the chicken sounds like it wants to be a duck. 🦆
Not sure if related but she ended up being ill. She laid in the coop and didn't go out today. Took her to the vet who suggested euthanasia. I decided not to do that and try the antibiotics she recommended. She said she did not think it would really work unfortunately. Will update with a conclusion…
Not sure if related but she ended up being ill. She laid in the coop and didn't go out today. Took her to the vet who suggested euthanasia. I decided not to do that and try the antibiotics she recommended. She said she did not think it would really work unfortunately. Will update with a conclusion…
Sorry to hear about you pullet.
Did the vet say what was actually wrong?

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