Funny thing happened with Chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
So I took the chicks out of their brooder to let them walk around the house while I cleaned it, my husband thought it would be interesting to give them a fishing worm(earthworm). So he set it on the carpet, it was still alive, they went crazy they would pick it up and run with it and chase each other then they would play tug o war with it. It was the cutest funniest thing I have ever saw. I laughed very hard but felt sorry for the worm.
I gave my week old babies a spider I found on the floor in my kitchen yesterday. I now have no worries of a bug infestation of my yard this year. They were hilarious!! I picked up a dozen crickets for tonights viewing pleasure. CAN'T WAIT!!
love the video...what a great blog. Your girls look sweet playing with the chickens. Too bad all kids can't grow up in the country like that. One of the reasons I got chickens was for my neice to be able to experience a little country life even though she lives in the city.
Quote: Thanks. I grew up in the city, but when my husband and I married, he wanted land. My daughters LOVE being "Country Girls'. They have a kingdom in our woods which is called "Medatar". It is all imagination, but the other day my older child drew a picture of Medatar and it was so beautiful. It had a castle, water fountain, a big beautiful rose bush, benches, small buildings, a market square, etc... None of these things are actually "physically" there, but when they go into the woods, this is what they see. I love how the country nurtures imagination and creativity. Their magical kingdom even has an archaeology center where they keep a deer skull, raccoon jaw and broken deer femur bone they have found (real life unscripted science!). Raising kids the country has been amazing! Next year, they are going to be utilizing their chickens for their annual school science fair project. It's going to be fun!

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I am trying to make my chickens tame like that I am having a hard time. Any suggestions?
I am too. I want them to be pets and not just egg layers, as we'll free-range them in the backyard. Mealworms work well, but not too many and make sure they have grit available. I started feeding mine a few mealworms here and there around 2 weeks old. I also have dug up worms out of our garden. They come to me when I shake the bag of mealworms now. I also handle them often, at least twice a day and speak softly to them or call "chick, chick, chick". They get excited when they hear my voice now. Be patient, it takes time!
Quote: The way to a chickens heart is through it's stomach. Our hens were hand raised from day old's, and my children spent a LOT of time handling and playing with them each and every day. The more you do with them, the friendlier they'll be. Also, the breed we have (Buff Orpingtons) are just incredibly sweet natured, child oriented, people loving hens. Not all chickens have the same disposition as them. I wanted a friendly breed, and I did a lot of research before deciding upon them. I'll never keep any other breed because truly there are none that can compare if a "pet" is what you want.

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