Ga Chicken Mom, Thank You!!!


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Ga Chicken Mom came today and took my BR boy Gabriel to live with her and be the head of his very own harem of lovely ladies! I'm so happy that he's going to have this kind of home, you have no idea! And she was so wonderful, she brought my girls a huge bunch of organic dandelion greens and some homemade biscuits for my dog, even! Barbara, it was an absolute joy to meet you today. I know Gabriel is in great hands. Thanks again!
aww how sweet - I am sure all the critters loved thier goodies. Glad he found a wonderful home

cant wait to see pics of the babies - he and his girls have

Sure was! My girls went nuts over the greens! Bet I have some beautiful egg yolks this week. And the dog was thrilled with the biscuits, too. We have the nicest people who hang around BYC, don't we?
So am I. And I know it's a great one. Now, she'll just have to get used to his crowing, LOL. Actually, I love to hear my roosters crow. Doesn't bother me one bit, no matter when they do it. Reminds me I'm in the country and not stuck in some city apt. breathing exhaust fumes through my windows.
So glad he got a nice home and I agree 100% speckledhen about the crowing reminding you your in the country=fresh air.
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