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Mine are on strike currently as well. And I still cannot stop them from going broody. All the time, I've always got at least a couple that are broody. I've never had a breed go broody as much as my Cemanis!
The hen I got from your eggs proved to be a great foster mom. She went broody at the same time I had seven Cream Legbar chicks recently hatched (ranging from a couple days old to week-old). As she was broody for only two days, I put one chick in her nest box to test if she would accept it. I didn't even place him under her wing as she would peck at my hand, I just dropped him into the nest box next to her when it was dark. Since he was alive the next morning, I dropped in the remaining six chicks the next night. She accepted them all and has been a, wonderful mom. She's very protective of them. It's my first time letting a broody hen raise my incubator-hatched chicks, and it's been a great experience - I guess both for me and for her. I don't have to deal with a messy and smelly brooder inside my house, and she's doing a much better job raising them. If I have a choice, I would always let a broody raise the chicks.
Cemani Broody.jpg
Mine are on strike currently as well. And I still cannot stop them from going broody. All the time, I've always got at least a couple that are broody. I've never had a breed go broody as much as my Cemanis!

One of the hens I got from you was recently broody. She's was a fierce and protective momma! But she kept trying to steal my other broody's babies and attacking her. Wasn't pretty!
One of the hens I got from you was recently broody. She's was a fierce and protective momma! But she kept trying to steal my other broody's babies and attacking her. Wasn't pretty!

I think broodies and their chicks need to be separated from the rest of the flock to avoid aggressive behaviors. My brother didn't separate a broody with her chicks from the other hens (he didn't know as it was his first experience having a broody), and came home from work to find all the babies dead. It was heartbreaking and horrible, and a huge loss as the babies were all pure Cream Legbars. The hen that attacked the chicks was a Basque and normally very gentle.
I leave my broodies in with the rest of the flock. It basicly makes the chicks born into the pecking order. I have never had an issue. Mom normally protects her own.

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