Garden Nematodes for Pest Control?


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
The North-Eastern Corner of Maryland
Hey All, a question for you about nematodes and pest control.
We're in our usual mid-summer flea season in Maryland, and while it's not particularly bad, this year, fleas are ALWAYS annoying! I know people who have successfully used live nematodes to control grubs, but I just read an article on controlling fleas with them, too. Have any of you ever tried that method? If you did, what did you use. And most importantly ... did it work?
I have heard that nematodes are an all-natural way to stop your flea problem and is completely safe for people, plants and pets. Once the nematodes have been applied to your yard, they will seek out and find fleas to infect with their deadly bacteria. But, I have not yet used nematodes for controlling fleas. I always prefer to call professional pest control Suffolk County who always suggests to follow Integrated Pest Management practices for controlling fleas.

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