Garden pictures (lots of pictures)

I have two but neither are actual Garden Weasles. My longer one has 4 blades
and came with a short handle just like you said. My little one has 2 blades and
is great for getting in between plants.
Lookin good!!!

All I have are yellow and rotting plants... It's been in the 50s for highs for the last two weeks.
Oh man! I have a little garden envy too! I we have been so cold here in W. WA! The plants in my garden are still alive, but I swear they haven't grown an inch in 3 weeks they have been outside! Bring on the sun!
Beautiful garden! I am very jealous of the variety of plants you are able to grow.

I have one question,, Do you not like to eat peas green beans and carrots? It's fine if you don't. I'm just wondering. those are the first seeds I buy, we eat a lot of them.
I don't much like peas, I have grown green beans but we didn't eat much of them and I ended up giving most of them to the chickens and I haven't had good luck with carrots in the past.

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