Garden Roof Chicken Coop


9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
Hi everyone!

New to this forum but WOW, full of a lot of resources!

Here's an image of the coop I just built...and have since decided to make it my job! I saw a lot of good lookin' coops on the coop design page too....btw, how do you post your page to the coop design page?

I love that design. I've been thinking of doing something like that to better utilize space!
I don't understand your question about posting your page to the coop design page...looks like you got the photo just fine.
Thanks Tigerlilly! I would definitely recommend it. I really don't think my garden would have done as well in the ground versus in a container. Just take care on how you drain excess water (or keep how earth boxes or wicking gardens are designed).

I just wanted to post my page in the area that had chicken coop designs categorized under small, medium, large etc.
Great looking design. I wish I could do the same, but my birds free range and they would be on the roof eating everything in sight, and if it's all plants they do eat, they'll still go ahead a scratch around for bugs. In fact, it's getting to the stage where I may start confining them again, and just let them free range for limited periods of time.
Looks kinda small, how many chickens do you have?
looks like it would house 1-5 maybe.. But it looks nice..
mine cost $600 and i still need to add on this spring..
It is cute but are there any windows/ventilation in the coop section?

I also would put in a 2 x 4 with wide side up rather then a dowel the poor birds have to grip and balance on all night.

Nice use of hardware cloth to make it preditor proof and great choice of colors.

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