Garden thread

Good evening everyone, I hope you're all doing well. :)
Just wanted to share: Last summer when I grew sunflowers, the chipmunks and squirrels would climb the stem and then chew the head off the sunflower! When it dropped, they would scurry down the stem and drag away the head! :rolleyes: I got a little upset with them when they kept doing it. I like growing sunflowers! Especially the big ones that grow about 4 feet tall.
I have another question: Even though it's winter outside is it possible to start a few plants indoors like peas, lettuce, or radishes right now? It is the middle of winter so I'm not sure. Thank you!

Patience grasshopper.
I know it is very hard to wait and wait and wait.
Radish, beans and peas should be direct seen in the garden.

Lettuce is a maybe as posted by Rooapalooza. A sunny South facing window certainly is a good place to try.
I've had pretty good luck transplanting peas and string beans into the garden but timing seems to be critical with both of those plants. They grow quick and sometimes too quick for there own good!

Any tips to share?
Specific starting pot size?
Specific varieties?


I would love to get them started earlier....and hopefully beat the bunnies to them.
For peas in containers, I've had good luck with Maestro Improved and Early Frosty varieties from Rohrer Seeds.

Pot size is usually a square about 8-10" in diameter about 10-14" deep. A local garden center has these pots with cages on them that are about 18" tall to help with support.
I always use the Bio Tone starter fertilizer in the hole before the transplant goes in. I'll sprinkle a bit on top of the soil usually at about 3 weeks to a month depending on the rate of germination.
I was taking the trash out yesterday evening and a neighbor walking her dog asked me about my front garden beds.

It surprised me since they have been a bit neglected the last 2 years.

She is hoping I plant more violas in my funny giant teacup planter. It was pretty cute really.


Some of my tulips. They have mostly aged out of existence in the front bed.....or the squirrels took them. :hmm

We put together my tiny greenhouse last spring and I moved all my raised beds to this sunnier section.
I am looking forward to getting growing!!
A few years ago we for an aerogarden for Xmas. Since, we grow a variety of lettuces and spinach all winter. Nothing like fresh greens while the snow is still falling.
Your don't need the aerogarden - any grow light will work.

I've had luck starting tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, squash, pumpkin and corn inside. I failed miserably with peas and beans.
I will join! I am going through seed catalogs right now. Our soil by the house is mostly clay, and I have done container gardening so far. Last year we planted too late, due to a freak April snowstorm and weirdly cool spring weather, and many of our plants never produced.
This year we are having a warm winter, so I am hoping I can start stuff indoors early and get them out early.
We also cleared some trees out in an area on the lower end of our property, near a river, and I hope to plant corn, beans, peas, and watermelon there. The soil there is fantastic! I will have to put up a fence around it to deter the deer and rabbits. I am planning on containers with cucumber, strawberries, and an assortment of greens.

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