Gardening With Chickens


5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
Spokane, WA
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone, I thought it would be fun to share & see pictures of our chickens 'helping' us in our garden endeavors. So, if you have any shots of your fluffy backyard bird brains in your garden, I'd love to see them. Here are my Jelly Beans at 2 months old. I was trying to move our compost pile, and these lovely ladies kept jumping up in the wheelbarrow to scratch around for treats. When I couldn't shoo them out I decided to take them for a ride thinking they'd just jump out in fear. Much to my delight, they hunkered down & enjoyed the ride! Crazy clucks!

Mine earned a pass for not laying eggs by helping with the gardening

Aaaw, they are both gorgeous groups of photos .. I love how our chickens are so helpful!

Mine are helpful in the garden also but sadly I do not have any pictures .. I do, however, have pictures of them supervising the coop/run remodel, does that count as helping in the garden? Drills, hammers etc, did not phase them, they were determined to make sure that all went well .............

@Heather7 I love the dirt bath pics! Is that a buff orpington & a red sex link? We always tell our girls that they're' freeloaders' because we are going on 5 months with our oldest bunch of 5 & no eggs yet...but at least we have some aerated soil, free of all those pesky earthworms, right???
@Teila Those bantams are adorable! I wish we could have bantams, but we had to go with standard sizes due to our overly playful Pomeranian. Our ladies have made it perfectly clear to him where his standing is on the pecking order & things have gone well since then. I'm just worried he wouldn't have th intimidation factor with a tiny bantam. I really wanted a d'uccle *sigh* How old are yours?
@WendyF Mine are free loading pretty bad. But I suppose they are hours of entertainment. Lol. That's my buff Basil and Sparky is a Red Star. She is the layer of 14 layable birdd. They are lucky they are cute
@Teila Those bantams are adorable! I wish we could have bantams, but we had to go with standard sizes due to our overly playful Pomeranian. Our ladies have made it perfectly clear to him where his standing is on the pecking order & things have gone well since then. I'm just worried he wouldn't have th intimidation factor with a tiny bantam. I really wanted a d'uccle *sigh* How old are yours?

Thank you WendyF :)

Yeah, they are little cuties and I would be totally lost without them.

Cilla, Black Bantam Cochin (Pekin) is going to be two in February, she is the matriarch.
Dusty, Black Bantam Australian Langshan is also going to be two in February and is 2IC.
Tina, White Silkie is just over one year old.
Blondie, Buff Bantam Cochin is 8 months old.
LuLu, Frizzle Bantam Cochin is 10 months old.
We also have 2 x 7 week old chicks and 1 x 3 week old chick.

Luckily I love them and any eggs are just a bonus because they seem to be broody more often than not

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