Gardening with poultry thread!!!

Gotta love those volunteer plants. I have one volunteer hill. Have a lot of volunteer potatoes. I transplanted most of them to get them out from under foot. always have volunteer dill, and let my lettuce go to seed every year. Radish seed pods are tasty little buggers also, but they don't breed true. I also let my parsley over winter so there's a crop of early parsley followed by seeds the following spring. Garlic scapes, if left in place will form little bulbils that will fall to the ground, or can be picked and planted where you want a new crop of garlic. Calendula, and nasturtiums are also good propagators also.
We have gorgeous esrablished gardens, and we keep them protected and the chicks out, but we sacrificed one large bed this year for the coop (still have more than enough room). In the area around the coop next year I'd love to plant some chicken plants so the girls can have fun scratching and eating their own little chicken garden. What kindd of plants/veg/flowers do chikens love?
My experience so far (being a first year gardener and chickener), is that they like any and all plants/veg/flowers you can think of planting. Except for thyme and mint, those have somehow managed to escape the horrendous beasts. And the onion bed just gets trampled. Otherwise we are very successfully growing stuff for the chickens to eat. Now if we could only get something for ourselves as well.

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