Gastric bypass / Lap band...has anyone had it done?**update post 106**

Congrats on using the tools you were taught and getting the best out of your surgery.
A family member of mine had the surgery years ago and thought it would be an easy way out as you say. She managed to lose about 35 pounds and gained that and much more shortly after. Theses days she still fights her weight daily, she means well but just doesnt understand the importance of using the tools she was given. She blames the surgery for her weight gain and a few other things. I knew nothing about how it all works until reading this thread. Thank you for enlightening me and again congrats to you and best of luck (and hard work and determination) to Dar
Just reading bits and pieces of this thread is very amazing to me!!!
December 2010 I called a place I had driven by for years and a few times I said to whoever was with me in the car "one day I'm going to have surgery there to get rid of this FAT!!!" At those times I didnt think I would ever have the money or insurance to help pay for it but, DH has a really good job and medical now...Anyway the place I called was Northwest Weight Loss Surgery!! The woman I talked to was so nice to answer my questions and wait for me to control my sobbing (which I did alot of during that hour on the phone)I made a appointment for a consultation and started my 6 month diet counseling.Im now on a 2 week pre-op diet for Lap-Band Surgery!!!! I'm 45 yrs.old and been battling this weight since I was 18. I've went up and down for too many years. I realized I cant do it by myself I need this help....Some family members frown on it some dont and they encourage me and offer their help with chores and such after surgery. This is something I'm doing for myself, at times I feel like I'm being selfish but I've spent my life taking care of others so now I'd like alittle something for me!!!! Thank you for reading and you all have a GREAT DAY!!!!
Well this last week I went to my 20th high school re-union and the pictures I saw of me I could not believe how fat I am.

so I am making an appointment with my Dr. and talking to her about the lap band.

I have always had trouble with my weight and now after menopause the weight will not come off for any diet and I need the help.
doing the process.. I have my second set of appointments Sept 6..

keeping food and exercise logs .. it really makes you accountable let me tell ya!
ok its been a while so I thought I would post an update and tell you of my journey... so far....

I went into the doc shortly after I started this thread (I think... I may have gone in shortly before).. but what ever.

I waited from July 2010 until April 2011 .... 9 MONTHS just to get an Orientation!

The orientation was pretty simple.. what to expect.. what the life style will be like after the surgery things we have to say good bye to for a while.. and some forever.. and it was a hard nosed approach but lets face it this is a one time shot right!

From the April orientation I had to wait until July 18, 2011 for the first set of appointments with the Nurse - she tracks our vitals and weight... the social worker - she makes sure we are mentally stable enough to handle the changes and also to make sure we are doing this for us and not because a spouse or family are forcing us into it. Then finally a dietitician - she asks us to do a food log starting 6 weeks prior to this appointment.. we need to track everything that enters our mouth from chewing gum to water at the first appointment she will have a look and make suggestions for changes in the right direction... she also educates us on the proper foods... bla bla bla..

from the first appointment with the "team" we then have an 8 week time frame to put into place what we learned from the first visit... they also want to see the scale number drop too. so that second appointment was the first week of september 2011.. it was this time I was given the go ahead to meet with the surgeon and move forward with surgery but first I need the post-op nutrition class... and thats where I am stuck now...

I have been waiting since september for my turn at this class... and to meet the surgeon.... by all calculations I will have surgery around April 2012... 21 months AFTER referral

The reason for the delay is because 1)This is considered elective surgery so when the hospital is booking OR times the heart surgeons and other non-elective surgeries get times first... and I can understand that 2)the regional area my local surgical center covers a huge area and there is a lot pf people waiting for surgery 3) there was a c-diff out break at the hospital this past summer so ALL non essential surgeries were cancelled until they got it under control.. and finally... one of the doctors.. her mom passed away and she was away for 4 weeks... totally understandable...

So thats where I am at n=right now... waiting... and waiting.... and waiting....
I bet you are frustrated!
I know i would be..
Just hang in there... i will happen..

Are you scared about it at all?
Impatient yes.. scared NO!..

I am learning a LOT about the post op life... i have to be careful tho because there is a weight loss surgery board... and its really hard to hear about other centers that dont have a back log like we do and they are getting in and out in 6 months
I live in Southern QC (so have experience with socialized healthcare) and am an RN in NY and did clinical experiences at a hospital that does a lot of GB surgeries. I can tell you, even in NY the wait is long...about 9 months, so they can get you through the process. 21 months is nutso, but I understand it. Keep working at what you can do on your own, and making the changes necessary. The less you way when you go in, the easier it will all be (getting up after, exercise, etc), and the lower your risks are.
Good luck!
I had gastric bypass 2 years ago and it is the best thing that I ever did except for marrying my DH. I have lost 175 lbs. I am active. I am eating well. I have energy that surpasses everything especially my couch potato days. I do so much more with my children ages 9 and 11. My confidence has increased. I have presented at workshops where prior to weight-loss I would have never done that. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I had to change my lifestyle and that changed my family lifestyle. We are all so much more healthy. The chickens were part of that. I struggled with my weight for 40 years prior to bypass. I know that complications can happen. I know many people that have had bypass and successful bypass. I know there are risks to any surgery. If you can follow 3 simple rules you will be successful. 1. no empty/liquid calories 2. exercise 3. take vitamins.
My new healthy lifestyle supports the three rules.
Explore the options for you!!! Make the best decision for YOU!!!!

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