Gave a chicken a bath and now the other two are attacking her! Help!


In the Brooder
Oct 21, 2015
So I discovered one of my hens was limping this morning with her tail down, I thought maybe she was trying to lay an egg and she didn't lay one yesterday so I figured I'd leave her be for a few hours and see if she layed or anything changed. She is in the coop with two other hens, both of which have been with her since chicks. They didn't pay her no mind and everything was normal. Well I checked again and she was still limping and no egg. So I was afraid she may be egg bound so I brought here in, gave her a warm bath and checked her for being egg bound, which she wasn't. I towel dryed her and went to put her back in the coop. Immediately the chickens started pecking her. I pulled her out and put her outside in the yard and let her walk around the outside of the coop to see if they'd get re-acquainted with a barrier between them. I let that go on for about 30 minutes or so and put her back in the coop this time with me there. At first I held her and they chickens paid her no mind, but as soon as I put her down the pecking began. One chicken is doing it more than the other. She is still limping but they weren't pecking her earlier so I have no idea if it has to do with her getting a bath. I have no idea what to do!
Do you have a crate or cage that you can put her in with her own food and water, and place it in the coop with the others? She needs to rest the leg for at least a week, and then try her out again. Check her out all over, feeling her crop, look for mites and lice, and feel her for losing weight in the breast area. Look for any swollen joints and bruising in her legs. Check foot pads for signs of bumblefoot (black scab, swelling.)
I managed to get her back in with the other chickens and the other two hens are treating her normally. However she is still limping with her tail drooped down. Her comb and wattle are bright red and she is eating and drinking. I checked for an egg and nothing. No swollen joints and her legs look normal. No mites or lice. Also no signs of bumble foot. She seems totally fine besides the fact she is limping with her tail down.
Give us another update on how she is doing in a couple of days. Hopefully, she will feel better soon. Chickens can suffer from all kinds of problems, especially things like internal laying, crop and gizzard blockages, and others. The tail hanging down or hunched posture are signs for not feeling well. Chickens are kind of cruel, and tend to pick on each other when they are down. I had a hen dying last week, and she couldn't move around the last few hours, but she wanted to be with the others. I just let her lay there opening her eyes occasionally. When she died finally, I saw that the meanies actually pecked her comb and pulled out some head feathers causing bleeding. I felt bad even though I kept checking on her. But that is just how chickens act--they are just curious and peck at everything.
I had an injured chicken a few weeks ago who appeared to be healthy eating and laying but the started to limp and the chickens picked up on it so quick. her leg was slightly swollen check out the pics in the thread "leg warm to the touch". The flock was so mean to her I had to keep her separate for 2 weeks! I tried letting her back out after a week but it wasn't enough time. They could still see something was wrong. but after a full 2 weeks she has happily recovered.

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