Gender guesses? SLW 5 wks old


8 Years
May 13, 2011
I'm pretty sure I know my answer already, but since I'm not familiar with this breed, I thought I'd ask anyways. These 3 silver laced wyandottes are 5 wks old in this picture. The combs for the 2 on the left turned red at about 2.5 wks old, lol. the one on the right is red now, but it's not as dark and it didn't redden up until 4 wks or so (not sure if this makes a difference). The legs for all 3 look the same to me.

I have three that did exactly what yours did! I just assumed that they were all roos, but the chances that all six of our chicks are roos are pretty slim, right? If I had to guess, I'd have to say that our chicks that had their combs turn red later are the likely pullets.
At only 5 weeks their combs and wattles are very red... I'm guessing boys
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Thanks everyone. So much for 50/50 chances...
Maybe I'll get at least one really nice roo out of them...

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