Gender Idenfitication


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2022
Bay Area - California
Hello, I'm a new chicken parent and we got our Black Copper Marans recently, however we didn't know whether they were boys or girls, so I am hoping someone here can help with that.

They should be around 6 weeks at this point.
See attached.

Thank you all in advance!
What are the characteristics to look for in determining gender on this breed? We are super new to this. Thanks again
At this age watching the comb & wattle development ... At about 12wks the male feathering should be developing (saddle/base of tail & hackle/neck). It's pointy not round (pullets), looking like streamers ... Crowing may start at 8wks but depending on the breed & individual.
What are the characteristics to look for in determining gender on this breed? We are super new to this. Thanks again
Welcome ro BYC, amd to chickens!

The cockerels (males under 1 year) will develop combs and wattles much faster. They will be bigger and turn red much cooler than pullets (females under 1 year of age).
Just an update to this thread. Turns out they were all males. They all started crowing around week 11, the one I thought might have been a female we kept an additional week but then he started crowing too.. So yep. All 3. We were able to swap them out for 3 more, and this time the chicken owners gave us ones with very small combs and opposite of the first three, these had longer tails. It seems like it was a good choice. They are about 15 weeks or so now and definitely not like the males like we had on the first go around.

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