Gender of bantam Cochin silkie mix???

Hey they silkie Cochin mix is not working out. He's been too agressive in his attempts to mate with one of my hens. I don't have a very big coop or a sustainable way to keep them separate and safe/happy. could you take him back. He's a beauty but I really can't keep him.

I honestly wouldn't mind taking him back. But my hubby would not approve, we already have a bunch of roosters running around. And we only have one coop for them all.
Omg, someone just asked me if I had any roosters for them. Do you want me to give them your info? What is your email, so I can give it to them?
Really? That's cool. Not to eat, correct,?he's pretty and has a good temperament. Can I send my contact info via a more private message?
Really? That's cool. Not to eat, correct,?he's pretty and has a good temperament. Can I send my contact info via a more private message?

Yes, to go with the rest of his flock. I would never let any of mine her eaten either. Just send me your email through the direct message on here and I'll pass it on

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