Gender of two 6.5 week RIRs


5 Years
Jun 16, 2014
Hi! I recently got 6 chicks, and these two are my Rhode Island Reds. They are about 6.5 weeks old. I’m not allowed to have roosters where I live, so I would appreciate any educated guesses on their gender.
This is chick 1, and I’m leaning towards pullet.

This is chick 2, and I’m not sure what to think about this one’s gender. Within the last two days its comb has become a pinkish red color, but it has smaller wattles than chick 1.

Everyone looks female to me
Update on Chick 2 (Ariel, below) She laid her first egg at 22 weeks old.

I'm still waiting for Merida (on the right) to lay.

In case anyone wants to use this thread for determining the gender of their Rhode Island Reds, I provided some pictures of mine when they were younger. And just to dispel some myths, Ariel never had a stripe on her head, but Merida did. Ariel started developing her comb around 2 weeks old, and it started looking somewhat pink around 4-5 weeks old. Ariel has always been easier to handle. At 3 weeks, Merida was constantly chest bumping with my Easter Egger cockerel (both equally initiating the play-fight behavior until 7 weeks old).

3 weeks old:

Chick 2 Ariel Chick 1 Merida


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