Gender reveal please anyone x

Basically a mixed chicken that has the blue egg gene.
They usually have muffs & beards, but as they're so mixed they don't always.
Does she have wattles?
Her comb looks like a pea comb.
She could just be a mutt.
Her wattles are very small but she's still quite young I guess
Hi I have 2 3month old chickens...
One is a rhode island red which I am think is a Roo and a Orpington x Sussex eich I think is a Hen? Any ideas... The RIR doesnt crow so much atm only maybe once a week... are they meant to crow by now? And if so how often? I think he makes a little noise when frightened as my cat does try play with him 😂 cat chase lol but apart from that he doesnt make much noise in a week I'd probably hear some sort of crow once....
Any advice or would be very much appreciated 😊
I have a RI Red rooster. He was almost 6 months old when he started crowing. It was at the same time the hens stared laying their first egg. I think he was bragging about it. ;-)

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