Gender? Speckled Sussex-8 weeks

Wellsummer/speckled Sussex?
@RobinS1217 Do your chickens get locked up in the coop at night? Only asking because most preditors can shred chicken wire in no time flat. No judgement here, just wanted to make sure you knew. :frow Welcome from New Orleans.
they do. The door slides closed. It sticks so although possible it would be hard work for a predator. We’ve kept chickens for 3 years and not had a problem. This is where are chickens stay from 3-12 weeks then they move into the much larger run and coops which we’ve used 1/4 inch hardwire cloth with.
We have vacationed in the southern portion of eastern Tennessee many times and always loved it. When DD was getting old enough to really notice things. We left home in the wee hours of the morning, for the roughly 9 hour drive. DD fell asleep as we drove away from home, snuggled in the back seat of the car.
When she woke up it was daylight and no longer flat New Orleans, she was so thrilled to see real mountains, something we don't have here. :lau Anyway it was a great and beautiful trip.

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