

7 Years
Nov 25, 2012
It might be a little early but do you think this is a boy or girl? Forgot to say that this is a Mille de fluer/ Silkie mix.
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This is my silkie/ tolbunt polish mix named Moe. I got him early September and he already had most of his adult feathers and a wonderful Mohawk going on! Still trying to figure out gender as he is my only cross breed chicken and this is my first backyard coop. I also have two silkies, a silver laced wyandotte, and a buff Orpington. Please help me figure out what my Moe is before he might start crowing! Thanks
This is my silkie/ tolbunt polish mix named Moe. I got him early September and he already had most of his adult feathers and a wonderful Mohawk going on! Still trying to figure out gender as he is my only cross breed chicken and this is my first backyard coop. I also have two silkies, a silver laced wyandotte, and a buff Orpington. Please help me figure out what my Moe is before he might start crowing! Thanks
He is a cockerel.
This is one of my silkies. She is about 14 weeks old. We call her princess but are not sure on gender... Any guesses? Also she had a naked butt when I got her and has had defecating issue all along. I forever am having to wash her rear end, where as my other silkie has a nice tail, and never has an issue. Gender guess and tips for hygiene?
This is one of my silkies. She is about 14 weeks old. We call her princess but are not sure on gender... Any guesses? Also she had a naked butt when I got her and has had defecating issue all along. I forever am having to wash her rear end, where as my other silkie has a nice tail, and never has an issue. Gender guess and tips for hygiene?.
Gender: difficult to tell from the photos because the head is blurry/obscured. There's a lot of red in there which makes me think male, but I would really like to see a nice clear shot of the head to be sure.

Defecation issue: Could you please be a bit more specific? Does the bird have scours, or has it been sitting in faeces? Have you been feeding it anything like fruit, which gives very watery faeces? Have you treated it for parasites? How long have you had the bird? It actually looks like it is rumpless, is that the case or has the tail been cut off?
My silkie however is still having the issues. It seems to be formed stool stuck to the feathers, skin underneath is nice and healthy. S/he does not really seem to have tail feathers like my other one does ( as a week old chick it had no fuzz on its rear end at all
It took a while for it to grow) I just don't know how to make her/him start dedicating on the ground instead of on itself....
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