Georgia legislation, can you verify this info?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Somewhere near Springfield, Ma
I'm considering relocating, and trying to find a place that will allow me to have my girls. I found this website but I'd like to have the info verified by people who know the areas. If you can confirm ot correct any of it I'd appreciate it.

State of Georgia
"Right to Grow Act": The state says you can keep chickens for your own consumption, unless otherwise told by your county, city or HOA

Cobb County in GA
Need at least two acres, the coop must be at least 100 feet from the property line, and the chickens cannot wander any closer than ten feet to the property line

Marietta, GA (Cobb County)
Need at least five acres, and the coop must be at least 150 feet from the property line

Fulton County in GA
Coop must be at least 200 feet from the property line

Atlanta, GA (Fulton County)
Coop must be at least 50 feet from the neighbor's house

Decatur, GA (Fulton County)
Coop must be 75 feet from your neighbor - or as far away from your neighbor as possible if your lot is smaller than 75 feet

Chatham County in GA
Coop must be at least 100 feet from your neighbor's home, if you have five or more chickens

Savannah, GA (Chatham County)
Coop should be at least 50 feet from the property line
Savannah, in Chatham, is currently changing the policy to one hen per every 1,000 square feet of property with coops containing less than 5 hens to be 25 feet from any residence. Also, the coop distance from neighbor can be negated if the neighbor approves of its location.

Make friends with your neighbors, offer them eggs or meat (depends on your interests here).
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