
Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Anyone here have gerbils? Thinking of getting some and was curious if anyone else had them. Mostly just looking for stories and pictures of yours since I've already done a lot of research but if you have any tips that could be fine too. Thought this could be fun. Thanks.
Yeah, I considered hamsters too but I heard they need a really big cage and I didn't have the room haha or rather want to. I'm sure they would do fine in a smaller cage though, plenty do, but I also heard they can smell or be nippy? I don't know if any of that is true though.

I like gerbils cause they're really cute (though so are hamsters) and I find it adorable how they sit on their little hind legs and look around, eat, etc.

I don't know, hamsters might still be in the running but I also like gerbils can they can be kept in a tank and being desert critters don't pee or stink much, so I hear.

I think the pet store ones might be a bit more unfriendly but I think it will be awesome to work through it. :)

Either that or I might buy from a breeder so maybe they will be friendlier.

But if they don't want to be held, that's okay. They are cute to watch :)

I hope they come around though.

The other one I really want is guinea pigs but they do best in a really big pen/cage, like 2Ă—4 or 2x8 and I definitely don't have the room for that haha

But they're so cute :(

I like mice too but my mom will never go for it LOL
I had hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs as a kid and always preferred my teddy bear hamsters. Very very sweet and cuddly.

Gerbils are cute but we're more nibbly, as precious posters have said. Have you looked into degus?

I'm sure you have read this but make sure NO cedar bedding. I had a hamster given to me, who had been kept in cedar his whole life and had irreversible illnesses from it :( rip cornflake.
Hmm, maybe I will have to reconsider hamsters! Haha

No, I haven't but I think I've heard of them. What are they?

And oh yeah, I def wouldn't use cedar! Was thinking maybe paper bedding or sand if I go gerbil or at least a dig box. But aww sorry about your hamster! :(
They're like big gerbils hahaha, I think with their size they might be a bit less bouncy? I've never owned one so I could be waaaay off, lol.

Thank you :) that was about 18 years ago, so my mourning time has passed, he was a very cute little nugget though. And my first hamster! A little Russian dwarf.
I gotta Google them haha

Probably harder to find and more expensive though.

And ohh that's good at least but still sad
I've only had one hamster, and several gerbils. The hamster was nicknamed "Beast," because she was one. if you tried to handle her before she was fully awake, she would bite you. If she caught you with your hand in her cage, she would bite you. You had to scoop her up while she was asleep, and put her on the couch or something while she woke up, then she was OK to handle (unless she went up a sleeve or pant leg; when she got to a tight spot like at a knee or elbow - you guessed it - she would bite you). Another nickname was "Houdini;" she found more ways to get out of her cage. Since hamsters are basically nocturnal, we could hear her all night long, banging around, chewing on this or that, trying to engineer her next escape.

The gerbils were more fun. For one thing, being diurnal, they were available to interact when we were, and didn't keep us awake at night. We had one named Otis, as in Otis Elevator Company, because he seemed to expect to use a hand as an elevator any time it went into his cage - he'd hop right on. He had a brother named Skeeter who was nibbly/nippy.
Since we are on the subject of pocket pets:
Do you think its safe to keep mice in the same house as cats as pets?Thye will be in a secure cage, totally different floor then the cat with the diir closed.
or should I be smart and get gerbils?
or Degus?
does anyone know if they are legal in Maine and were I could get them?
I think they would perfectly safe! Especially with all those precautions! Also, imo, a cat would be just as likely to attack a gerbil as a mouse. But yeah, as long as they are in a secure cage or tank perfectly safe imo. Not sure about your degu question

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