Gestation Period

So all 3 babies hatched successfully on day 31! Here are a couple of videos...sorry about the lighting issue in the first one.
Great that you were able to catch that on video and maybe edited(?) down to the best moments. Lights were OK on 1st, sound effects on 2nd were great!
These 3 little bundles of joy have so much personality! I wish I were experienced enough to determine their gender (is that even possible when they're this young?). Anyway, here are a few pics.

ducklings 2.jpg
ducklings 3.jpg
These 3 little bundles of joy have so much personality! I wish I were experienced enough to determine their gender (is that even possible when they're this young?). Anyway, here are a few pics.

Here's a longer (10 min) video from Metzer regarding sexing ducks/geese. The main thing with vent sexing is to be careful and very gentle, I think.


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