Getting baby chickens to drink water


11 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Lyons, NY

We've raised purchased chicks before with no
problems. This time we are hatching them. Just
had the first little fellow pop out yesterday.

Dipped his beak in water bowl, but he still
doesn't seem interested? Has anyone had a problem
with chicks learning to drink?

Any suggestions?


I would just dip his beak a few times a day, I think they will learn from others if you have any others to put in with him.
Thanks, unfortunately we don't have any older
chickens right now for them to watch. I hope it
won't be a problem.

If we had to, there is a farm store nearby that
sells chicks and we could pick up one just to
'train' the others?
I put a small bowl of water filled with a layer of red marbles. the color attracts them and the water is between the marbles so they cant drown. it works beautifully.
I also dip their beek in it on the first entry to the area.. and never has it been an issue. jdy
I had a few who were slow to drink. I found out later they were only 12 hours old so maybe they weren't thirsty. But when I offered dripping water off my fingertips they eagerly drank, gently. I think it had other benefits too because they are exceptionally friendly. I didn't feed them by hand to avoid pecking but the water seemed to offer a gentler approach and was successful.
Thanks for the great idea on the marbles. We may try using some small rocks in a low plastic dish with a little water. It will keep them from getting soaked if they
fall down.

Also, we have been letting them sip water from our
fingers. They peck at the drip -- just was afraid they wouldn't learn to drink the 'right way.'
I bet your babies were so young and well-hydrated they weren't thirsty!
If they just hatched it can be day 2 or 3 before they are ready to drink or eat. I have had chicks start to eat and drink the moment they go in the brooder and others that sleep and won't touch it before 2 or 3 days.

Keep an eye on your new chicks. Don't immediately force them to drink. Give them a little time. A newly hatched chick has a full absorbed yolk sak in the tummy. It can go 72 hours before needing to have a drink.

Congrats on your hatch.
If after a week or so and they still won't drink you could try a little red foodcoloring, or painting the dish red.

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