Getting Chickens in the spring

Cindy in LA

8 Years
Nov 25, 2014
Marksville, Louisiana
Hi. We have just moved onto 4 acres and are planning on getting chickens in the spring, when I retire. I currently teach kindergarten in Rapides parish.

We are looking at coop plans, now. We want about 4 hens, for fresh eggs. If you have coop plans or know of coop plans the would house about 4 hens, please let me know.

I am thrilled that I found you!!
Welcome to BYC!

While I understand your plan is to have four birds, I would plan and build space and accommodations for more - you can't have too much room for chickens, and having room for more birds leaves room for the inevitable chicken math without having to worry about rebuilding/expanding down the road.
Another newbie! Love it.

You are wise by doing your homework and plan ahead. You will find that while chickens are easy to care for, there are many different approaches to it. One size does not fit all.

A few starter points to consider:

1. Chickens are not egg machines. They will not lay every day and will take breaks. They will take 6 months to mature. They will get old and slow down in laying after one year.
2. Pick a good coop site that is well drain, shady in the summer and sunny in the winter and close to electric source.
3. Understand the predators in your area.
4. Understand chicken natural behaviors and tendancies. Work with them, not changing them.
5. Design your coop to accomodate chickens' (as well as yours) natural behaviors and tendancies.

You have a great starting point with 4 acres.
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Definitely stop by our coops pages here. Lots of good ideas from our members...

Don't cram the birds in and give them 4 to 5 square foot per bird in the coop, 10 square feet per bird in the run. Chickens go off on each other when cramped in and can injure or even kill each other.

Stop by our learning center too! Lots of good articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry, getting started with chickens and keeping them healthy and safe from predators...

Enjoy this new journey you are on! If you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!

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