Getting Chickens into Coop at night

Mrs Ugh

Sep 16, 2017
Central Virginia
I have 5 hens, one Cornish X and 4 future egg layers about 7 weeks old. I splurged on an automatic door for my coop and overall it is great. However, it is not working 100%. When first moved into the coop, I kept them there for 3.5 days. At the end of the first free day, I shooed them in the coop and manually closed the door. I did the same the next day. On the third day I let them figure it out by themselves. All except the Cornish went in. We put her in and tried again the next day with the same result. Last night near sundown we put a hard boiled egg in the coop to lure her in. It worked, she went in! At dark, I checked to verify that she had not come back out. She hadn't! :celebrateBut, three others had! :barnie I take away the food about 1 hour before sundown, so there is less reason to stay out. What is going on? What else can I do?
Chickens naturally go inside the coop when they feel that it is dark enough. While you may be trying to force them into the coop at let's say, sundown, they may want to go in when it is completely dark. For the first few nights, put them in at dark. Dark, dark. Then the should do it on their own. Best wishes!

-Chatty :)
For this round of chicks I just put them in the actual pen and didn't keep them in the coop for a few days. At night I would hand pick them up and after about 4 days they went into the coop themselves.
You're saying this is the Cornish X that's doing this? has it had access to food all the time all day? It may just be that its lazy, as I've heard they tend to be. Especially if it knows by now that your going to come out and do the work of getting it up there for it.
I use fermented feed and feed twice a day. She is quite lazy, but why did the others leave when she was in? Do they not want to be inside with her? Maybe she was just blocking the door ;she is rather large!
Ha! You are so right. We thought we had it nice and easy, but my daughter went out tonight to make sure everyone had made it in safely and found ALL of them huddled outside. Of course it was in the pouring rain! I didn't mention that we also moved the extra 6 (chicken math) pulleys out to the coop now too... Not sure what to do with the CX. I don't know how to limit her food without secluding her, but compared to the pullets that are 2 weeks younger, she looks like a turkey. :confused: It was too be my next post. I'm afraid we don't really want to think about it. We would love to keep her! I would love ideas.

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