Getting started

Door is put together wire fencing put on, just waiting for the hardware cloth to hang for the bottom. Hardware cloth will be here Monday. Every thing is ready for the HW cloth apron. Fence wire goes up tomorrow
Sounds like progress to me. I am waiting for the monsoon rains to pass so I can paint my block wall. Once the coop is up, it will be too tight a squeeze to get back there and paint it so for once, I am thinking ahead! Hope you will post pics of your progress.
That's why you always buy a few extras.

We live in a small town all the big stores are 30 miles away and the ones we have here close early so I do try to use that theory. I had only planed on using 6 so I got 8 as I placed them I came up with the plan to cut the corners off so 8 would fit.
Looking good so far. The chickens are going to have lots of space.

What is the weather like there?  We have heard that Texas is a nice place to live....

It is in the mid 90 this has been a mild wet year so far. I do better in the heat than the cold but the humidity is killing me this year most years our humidity stays low. I love it here (I moved back to my home town in October :) ) but not everyone does

Well the pavers are in I broke the last one again but only in half so I used it any way.
Can't wait tell Monday the HW cloth and water tank for the duck pond will be here. In the home stretch

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