Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Oz I pray you dont mind if I post a question, but many people that can help including yourself are reading your journeys. :hugs Adding to my health issues is lung issues mostly asthmatic flairs that end me up on high dosage prednisone for a months at a shot, thus keeping me away from my own chickens coops, I would love to be able to get out and be able to get back into my coops, and not just go grab eggs feed and water, I would love to clean coops, test my chickens again getting back into npip and so forth. What I need to know is what sort of mask do I need to keep that dust out of my lungs. I cant go near the coops without having asthma attacks. I am beyond those paper masks at this point, they just dont work. I asked the doc and he said look into a some sort of respirator, I need something I can see out of, and what I googled look terrible for vision. I am thinking someone out there works using something that has good vision that protects them as well? and could help send me in the right direction. I dont have tons of extra cash to waste on buying several different types so I need it to be a good fit right off the bat. Any direction would be GRATEFULLY appreciated! I am tired of putting my husband in charge of them, its my hobby not his, and it shows. Its time to stop the arguing and TAKE THEM BACK or get rid of them. I already had to get rid of most of them, I want to keep whats left, I did my first meaties this fall and what a great step too, I really dont want to fall backwards. I think I will go ahead and cry now, cause I really feel like it
Hi sally, I also have asthma and have to use masks in dusty situations. These masks work really well, they are better than the basic masks that don't have the valves. I would try these to start with. If they are not enough then you can look into respirator masks that are really heavy duty. You can get them without eye protection that just cover the nose and mouth.
Oz I pray you dont mind if I post a question, but many people that can help including yourself are reading your journeys.

Adding to my health issues is lung issues mostly asthmatic flairs that end me up on high dosage prednisone for a months at a shot, thus keeping me away from my own chickens coops, I would love to be able to get out and be able to get back into my coops, and not just go grab eggs feed and water, I would love to clean coops, test my chickens again getting back into npip and so forth. What I need to know is what sort of mask do I need to keep that dust out of my lungs. I cant go near the coops without having asthma attacks. I am beyond those paper masks at this point, they just dont work. I asked the doc and he said look into a some sort of respirator, I need something I can see out of, and what I googled look terrible for vision. I am thinking someone out there works using something that has good vision that protects them as well? and could help send me in the right direction. I dont have tons of extra cash to waste on buying several different types so I need it to be a good fit right off the bat.
Any direction would be GRATEFULLY appreciated! I am tired of putting my husband in charge of them, its my hobby not his, and it shows. Its time to stop the arguing and TAKE THEM BACK or get rid of them. I already had to get rid of most of them, I want to keep whats left, I did my first meaties this fall and what a great step too, I really dont want to fall backwards. I think I will go ahead and cry now, cause I really feel like it

Oh Sally I feel your pain... I guess allergy desensitization shots are not an option? I had a friend when I was in highschool He was about four years younger than me. The brother of my best friend. He was very thin and small for his age. And NEVER could go anywhere without his inhaler... I think it was when he reached sixteen that his parents sent him for allergy tests.. They used his back for a grid and injected samples of the usual allergins... From cat dander to wheat...

I dont think there was anything he didnt have some sort of allergy to. But afterwards there was the injections... I think it took a years worth... But when he was done he could come out to the ranch without issues... He still carried his in haler but instead of using it every so often it was there because he occasinally needed it. By the time he reached eighteen He had blossomed... Six foot two and hale and hearty...

Do You have to have a full face respirator?

OK here is the
3M site for respirators...

This one is rated for vapor and is reusuable

I looked up a source and Granger is one Granger will have several different choices

Granger supply is

3m half mask repirator at Grainger supply

Looks good price runs between around 23 to 49 dollars.... the cartridges the plug into those holes on the sides are

Cartriges and they are around thirteen dollars for two.

Here is the data sheet on cartridges The sheet specifies what each series cartridge is good for

PLEASE let me know if I can help more.

Grainger is an industrial supply house and if you dont have one in your location you can order online with them. But 3M is a very good start.

I had typed a long reply of thanks and explanations yesterday and the rain storm/s wiped me out on reply! internet was out all day yesterday so I gave up! I will research more and use the pdf for a reference to start today! I like the idea of the full face if I can have my glasses on under it too! Thank you so much y'all! I knew you could be of help!
sorry so late in response. Have a wonderful day everyone!
I had typed a long reply of thanks and explanations yesterday and the rain storm/s wiped me out on reply! internet was out all day yesterday so I gave up! I will research more and use the pdf for a reference to start today! I like the idea of the full face if I can have my glasses on under it too! Thank you so much y'all! I knew you could be of help!
sorry so late in response. Have a wonderful day everyone!

If a full face wont work with your glasses consider safety goggles they are designed to go over glasses.

the respirator that I show above is designed to go with an optional full face protector.... But all I can see in my mind is steam generated by work filling the face part till you have to take it off to air out.

For what its worth I have an asthmatic reaction to molds and to Alfalfa. Cat dander and chicken dander cause my eyes and nose to run... IF I get a cold It will go into bronchitis and once in bronchitis asthma takes over.... there have been three or four times I was flat out up at my house from that. I have a nebulizer and used to have an inhailer too. I should use a face mask but I get claustrophobic. Even on of those little wimpy disposable paper masks.

My coping mechanism is drinking about a gallon of water per day... and keep work with dust involved to small stretches of time. I cant afford albuterol inhaler... they run about a hundred and fifty dollars. And forget being able to afford the nebulizer meds.

Another thing too is to rig a mechanical dust extractor for working in the coop. ON the DIY list there is an example of how one person designed it... Just requires a leaf blower and an exhaust vent to the outside. Some pvc pipe as well. What it does is create positive pressure inside the coop so as you work the disturbed air is sent outside.

Look at post #3330
at the bottom he did a video to demonstrate how well it works.
If a full face wont work with your glasses consider safety goggles they are designed to go over glasses.

the respirator that I show above is designed to go with an optional full face protector.... But all I can see in my mind is steam generated by work filling the face part till you have to take it off to air out.

For what its worth I have an asthmatic reaction to molds and to Alfalfa. Cat dander and chicken dander cause my eyes and nose to run... IF I get a cold It will go into bronchitis and once in bronchitis asthma takes over.... there have been three or four times I was flat out up at my house from that. I have a nebulizer and used to have an inhailer too. I should use a face mask but I get claustrophobic. Even on of those little wimpy disposable paper masks.

My coping mechanism is drinking about a gallon of water per day... and keep work with dust involved to small stretches of time. I cant afford albuterol inhaler... they run about a hundred and fifty dollars. And forget being able to afford the nebulizer meds.

Another thing too is to rig a mechanical dust extractor for working in the coop. ON the DIY list there is an example of how one person designed it... Just requires a leaf blower and an exhaust vent to the outside. Some pvc pipe as well. What it does is create positive pressure inside the coop so as you work the disturbed air is sent outside.

Look at post #3330
at the bottom he did a video to demonstrate how well it works.
thank you, I did see that post, I am also planning on our big shop vac and running dryervent off the other end out the biggest barn shape style coop when I clean the roof rafters and mess up top, I am also going to spray/ treat it to keep bugs out up there too, I noticed spider webs just hold all the dust and make it so much worse! And then after its clean THIS TIME.... We are actually installing a huge whole house gable vent fan in the shed coop this weekend, so as to help with the biggest coops issue. I had gotten it from lowes it has the heat temp thermostat with it so I dont burn the coop down if the fan overheats, but I forgot to buy that flapper thing that goes on the outside. I think I can put it on a timer to run when they are awake since they dont move much on roost? anyways, Thanks so much!!!!
thank you, I did see that post, I am also planning on our big shop vac and running dryervent off the other end out the biggest barn shape style coop when I clean the roof rafters and mess up top, I am also going to spray/ treat it to keep bugs out up there too, I noticed spider webs just hold all the dust and make it so much worse! And then after its clean THIS TIME.... We are actually installing a huge whole house gable vent fan in the shed coop this weekend, so as to help with the biggest coops issue. I had gotten it from lowes it has the heat temp thermostat with it so I dont burn the coop down if the fan overheats, but I forgot to buy that flapper thing that goes on the outside. I think I can put it on a timer to run when they are awake since they dont move much on roost? anyways, Thanks so much!!!!
Sorry I missed your post @Sally Sunshine

I would go with the mask that Deb suggested. If you still have a reaction then go for full face.

If you are totally die hard about working with the chooks and cant use the masks, consider a PAPR but they are not cheap. Its basically a hazmat hood. We use them in hospitals for nasty bugs.$smthumb$
Dodong was terminated for cause. He got quite nasty. Is threatening legal action but we have good documentation.

3 unauthorized trips to the petty cash box
2 depletions of prepaid data on the phone
4 orders of "the wrong chickens"

We started the two new guys. They look promising. We need to do something about isolation. We replaced the radio that disappeared. We are letting them have their days off back to back accross 2 pay periods so they can go home (about 2-3 hours away)

We will start a 3rd person once they settle in.

Syrel is very experienced. We have already improved several processes in just two weeks.

Vincent does not speak English but is smart.

The third guy Daniel, speaks English and has had construction experience in The United Arab Emerates.

Life goes on.

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