Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

we are all certifiable.... in some way or another I ahvent had chickens now for amost four years... I keep hopin... My home is 60 miles east from San Diego along the mexican border.... 18 acres of wild chaparal big boulders and my eensy house and HUGE horse wait for me. sigh
I had the pleasure of visiting San Diego about 5 years ago, the town and surrounding mountains were beautiful. My friend took my up in the mountains, I was having fun taking pictures of signs that said "throwing snowballs $500 dollar fine" I just couldn't believe you could be fined for throwing a snowball, much less...who the heck is going to be up on that mountain in the middle of no where throwing snowballs!
I won't be raising them here, I plan to sell them as soon as they hatch.  My family thinks I am now certifiable for hatching in my little studio apartment:lau .

ETA:  I would love to find that thread, I have a neighbor that has already asked me if he could keep one of the chicks when they hatch.  I told him no because I didn't think it would be possible for him to keep a chicken in his apartment. If I knew he and the chicken could be happy, I MIGHT consider it

You know it was a very long time ago I will have to look for it...  Right now I am recouping frim Bells Palsy and struggling with dissieness.  I usually spell better. 

Let me think....  did a quick search and failed.    I will look again tomoroow

Found it! I'd PM'd Chambertin for permission to use one of his photos for an article I'd written for elsewhere online, so I did the search from that angle.
LOL Snow int the mountains here is a big deal.... only happens in any quantity only a few weeks worth. I have been here since 1967 for the record I am sixty. Any way there are switch backs in the mountains and gangs of kids would pelt cars breaking windows. Sometimes there would be rocks packed inside. The roads would be bumper to bumper with people just going to see snow.

Lately with the drought we only get a few inches. if that. My well is down a hundred feet five years ago the forest was only beginning to recover from the fire in 03
You know it was a very long time ago I will have to look for it... Right now I am recouping frim Bells Palsy and struggling with dissieness. I usually spell better.

Let me think.... did a quick search and failed. I will look again tomoroow

Found it! I'd PM'd Chambertin for permission to use one of his photos for an article I'd written for elsewhere online, so I did the search from that angle.

Thats it thank you....
I been sick. sicker than usual....

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