Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man


If she doesn't lay me a brown egg tomorrow, she's getting felt up, lol!

You made me spit my coffee!

I agree with what you said, except the part about the different colored eggs. A hen can not change eggs colors day to day. The egg can be a bit lighter, or darker, or even lighter on one end and darker on the other, but can't change color. What might have happened with the EE is that the shell is blue (check inside after cracking it open for the shell color) and the "paint" is brown. If that is the case, she should lay green eggs, and the lighter ones (with less paint) look blue. Next time you see the green egg, see if the color will rub off with a wet rag, and the shell underneath is blue.
You made me spit my coffee!

I agree with what you said, except the part about the different colored eggs. A hen can not change eggs colors day to day. The egg can be a bit lighter, or darker, or even lighter on one end and darker on the other, but can't change color. What might have happened with the EE is that the shell is blue (check inside after cracking it open for the shell color) and the "paint" is brown. If that is the case, she should lay green eggs, and the lighter ones (with less paint) look blue. Next time you see the green egg, see if the color will rub off with a wet rag, and the shell underneath is blue.
Well yes, that's exactly what she's doing, lol. The inside of all of her eggs are blue, but sometimes her brown layer is really light so the blue is more blue. At first, I thought I had two different EEs laying, one laying blue and one laying green. But I've been present for two of Jorge's layings, and she's definitely giving a different shade.

I have solved the mystery of the pink egg. Oz is spot on. It's Sally Strutters. She laid one this morning while I was cleaning the coop. The shell is thin, and sandpapery. It is a light pink color. Not like her usual eggs at.all. They have oyster shell in the coop, and I even crush up cleaned egg shells for them, so I'm thinking its just a matter of her still figuring out her cycle.

True story...I did SO much dang reading on chicken eggs last night, just before bed, that I ended up dreaming about eggs and dying egg-bound chickens all night long. Woke up at 7am in a cold sweat feeling like I had to rush out and check the chickens...LOL!

Anyways, I still have two EEs holding out and not giving any eggs. Grrrrrrrr.
They are loud when they call. Search them on youtube. They have an unforgettable laugh.

Personally I am not a fan of wild birds caged for amusement but they require a pretty decent size aviary.
Kookaburras, Sugar Gliders !
How come youse lot over there are allowed to keep all our native birds and animals as pets,
when we aren't allowed to?

xxxx M
Quote: I betcha you find alot more different critters here in the San Diego area... What with the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park here there are people who have wildlife licenses..... My feed store is proof they carry Flamingo Chow. There is a woman in the area that raises up Flamingos for the Zoo.... Up in Alpine area there is a Sanctuary for zoo castoffs.

Whats funny is its against the law to own a ferret in CA.... but lots of people have them. Or a Gerbel.... Cute little buggers.

I know one gal here at BYC that raises Cassowarys... shes in Florida. She has some blood lines that are going extinct here in the US... She used to have Vulturine Guinea fowl too.... Sigh... Me wants.... me cant have at 1200 a pair.

Oh yeah, they are loud! Their laugh can be heard from a fair way off. It's also very distinctive, but here we tend to not hear it as you get used to them if they are in your area, sort of like trains or aircraft.

Nice looking birds, and good hunters too.

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