Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Oz time for you to go to work at Kaiser and learn tagalo or other Filipino dialect...
it would benefit both parts of life, here and there!
I am sorry to hear about Bernie and Analou but I glad for them that she is able to finish school even if it is a major wrinkle in your project. But as in life, projects are never complete and they are always fluid, so, that being's hoping that you find another worker with Bernies enthusiasm and work strong... it will work out...I have faith that the story of "gettin' the flock outta here" isn't over, just changing lanes.
Given that background their leaving kind of makes sense in a personal (if not financial) way. Bernie is doing the right thing for his wife.

The challenge now is to find suitable replacements ASAP
Who was it that talked about a M Night Shamalan style twist?

You got it.

Bernie and Analou handed in their resignation today. Analou's Aunt is sending back to school to finish her BA in Ed.

The world that is CocoBeach has been turned upside down.

This is one heck of a step back.

Thats all the details I have thus far.

Oh bother

Doesn't that just figure? Someone brings it up and a week later it comes true.

I have learned one thing in life: everything happens for a reason, even if it's hard to imagine at that point in time. Even the hardest situations bring blessings with them. Who knows what's in the cards for Cocobeach? It may be even bigger and/or better. Or perhaps you're meant to slow down? Who knows?

Unfortunately the poorer Filipino lives for now.

It is very hard to get them to look for the future.

Aljay has been working under Bernie so there is some hope that the transition won't be too horrific. Aljay is very young and that does not very bode well for reliability.

School starts on 1st . Hopefully we have got them for another month or so.

Our last guy that quit really regretted it and wanted to come back so Mrs Oz will reach out to them to see where they are now.

I am going to be off line for twenty four hours at 1pm pst. as I have something I need to take care of.

Hopefully by the time I get back on byc I will have more news.


If we get Dominic back it will be a blessing. He previously worked for a "sport" chicken guy with a thousand roosters.

Here is hoping

This may be the 'bigger and better' part of the plan. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for you.
I have not gone there yet. I offered to send AnnaLou to school myself previously and we have always encouraged her. The school she was originally at it's quite prestigious and she was on a scholarship.

Her aunt is going to send her back there.

It's a four hour commute. I can't see them being separated and I really need live in. Having my on charge person not living there full time has inherent problems for security

the thing is there is no way to know if she will even find a job once she finishes school

the job market there is 10 times worse off than in the states

millions of people with college with no job

or only 5 month contract work then they are out looking for another job which can take 2/3 months

but you can't even get a job flipping burgers there without college :(

maybe Bernie can train a friend or the young guy you have there knows someone who already finished the program that he is taking

maybe have Mrs. OZ go talk to the school

the school must have a list of the people who attended already
Who was it that talked about a M Night Shamalan style twist?

You got it.

Bernie and Analou handed in their resignation today. Analou's Aunt is sending back to school to finish her BA in Ed.

The world that is CocoBeach has been turned upside down.

This is one heck of a step back.

Thats all the details I have thus far.

Oh bother

I am sure thats what you said, without caps lock, bold italics or underlined. Bother indeed. I am surprised you have the composure to share it with us.

I feel for you Mr, I really do. No one likes to be blindsided with bad news.
When will he be leaving? It feels like losing a member of the family!

I kind of feel the same, Oz has done immense work to get Cocobeach here, but it's the daily toil of Bernie and Analou that have kept the place alive. Difficult, but not impossible to replace.

All the best my friend, wish I could help out somehow.
Doesn't that just figure? Someone brings it up and a week later it comes true.

I have learned one thing in life: everything happens for a reason, even if it's hard to imagine at that point in time. Even the hardest situations bring blessings with them. Who knows what's in the cards for Cocobeach? It may be even bigger and/or better. Or perhaps you're meant to slow down? Who knows?


This may be the 'bigger and better' part of the plan. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for you.

Whatever the reason, its a pain. I take whatever life gives me.

The trust factor is huge with Bernie and Analou. Being able to send them cash and know every peso is accounted for makes getting things done much simpler. Having an intermediary making purchases is time consuming and expensive.

If we get Dominic, he is a great worker - much more efficient than Bernie when it comes to manual labor and his wife is the same. They spent several years cutting sugar cane for a living. They cannot however speak a lick of English. Aljay would really have to step up.

It is said that he can speak English but I have yet to hear mor than three words. He is that shy around me.
the thing is there is no way to know if she will even find a job once she finishes school

the job market there is 10 times worse off than in the states

millions of people with college with no job

or only 5 month contract work then they are out looking for another job which can take 2/3 months

but you can't even get a job flipping burgers there without college :(

maybe Bernie can train a friend or the young guy you have there knows someone who already finished the program that he is taking

maybe have Mrs. OZ go talk to the school

the school must have a list of the people who attended already

The chances of Analou getting a job straight out of college is slim unless she knows somebody

thats a great suggestion piglett. we will look.

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