Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I have learned one thing in life: everything happens for a reason, even if it's hard to imagine at that point in time. Even the hardest situations bring blessings with them. Who knows what's in the cards for Cocobeach? It may be even bigger and/or better. Or perhaps you're meant to slow down? Who knows?


things do happen for a reason TTM

a few years back i was talking to a lady on the other side of the planet

i wanted to go see her but i didn't want to use a stinking credit card or borrow money to make it happen

the plane ticket alone was $1700

next thing i know i get a call from someone i didn't even know

a demo job needed to be done & time was short

i gave them a bid of $3500 & told them i would need 30 days

30 days later i had my money for my trip & i was off to the Philippines

here are the results







it all worked out ........well not for the pig but for the rest of us

good things may be just around the corner OZ

keep your chin up mate
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Whatever the reason, its a pain. I take whatever life gives me.

The trust factor is huge with Bernie and Analou. Being able to send them cash and know every peso is accounted for makes getting things done much simpler. Having an intermediary making purchases is time consuming and expensive.

If we get Dominic, he is a great worker - much more efficient than Bernie when it comes to manual labor and his wife is the same. They spent several years cutting sugar cane for a living. They cannot however speak a lick of English. Aljay would really have to step up.

It is said that he can speak English but I have yet to hear mor than three words. He is that shy around me.

I was thinking along the lines of an exchange student or something... but let's face it... most American kids aren't going to work as hard as Bernie and they have NO clue about life in the Phillipines. There are a lot of eco villages/ permaculture villages where folks volunteer for 6 months at a time, to learn what it's like to work sustainable. Roof over the head, food in the belly and a small stipend is often all they get.

From a salary standpoint. They make more money working for me than Mrs Oz made working part time as a University Professor last year.

It's a shame for both parties... they really do have a good thing going. I wonder if Analou is just afraid to say no to her aunt. Surely they realize that life's good they way they have it.

things do happen for a reason TTM

a few years back i was talking to a lady on the other side of the planet

i wanted to go see her but i didn't want to use a stinking credit card or borrow money to make it happen

the plane ticket alone was $1700

next thing i know i get a call from someone i didn't even know

a demo job needed to be done & time was short

i gave them a bid of $3500 & told them i would need 30 days

30 days later i had my money for my trip & i was off to the Philippines

here are the results

good things may be just around the corner OZ

keep your chin up mate

Yup... my life is a string of 'everything happens for a reason'.

When my first boyfriend dumped me (I was 18), he told me I needed someone who could handle me (ouch!), someone like this guy we both knew. Well, at the time I thought he was insane. Long story short, I moved to the US when I was 22, married the guy I never thought about marrying. Only lasted 6 years, but it brought us both a lot of good... we both needed a lot of growing up and nothing quite does it like shacking up in a cheap apartment, making ends meet!

Eventually the marriage starts falling apart, husband hooks up with his ex-girlfriend from high school.. She's married though. She tries to befriend me, but as I start talking to her husband, I begin to uncover this whole nasty web of lies. Fast forward 4 years, I'm going to be 32 and we're expecting our second baby. We also care for his son (my step-son). We hope to get married this summer.

Freaking Jerry Springer episode right there.. Or a terrible Lifetime movie

It's hard not to wonder if all that crazy mess wasn't just a long and rocky road to bring me to the place I had to be in life. I could not imagine my life without this man and our kids. I saved his butt from a terrible marriage and he saved my butt from.. well... myself. It took me sixteen years to get back to being the person I was and am meant to be. Hard not to believe there isn't something more to life and the greater plan.
To top it all off I actually have a family member heading to the Phils today with another batch of eggs.

I hope that we will have a person there in 23 days time LOL

i'm sure someone on that island has chickens & can be found in time to care for the eggs

now the pigs are another story

then again someone has or used to have pigs

once they find out your looking to put some pesos in their pocket

the word will spread like wildfire

you may have to hire a man with a big stick to run off all the extra locals who show up

because many of them would love to have that position

even my wife with a BSN over there was only making 9800p ($250) a month

add some profit sharing to that figure & you start to get into the range of a Gov. worker

which is seen as a lifetime job to most.

maybe Bernie is catching too much heat from his in-laws

& just wants the whole bunch to shut up already?

it's not like he isn't providing for his family

like i already said most locals would love to have such a good job
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The bomb went off pretty late last night so we haven't had a chance to explore all the machinations involved.

Within twenty four hours we will have more of an idea of what our situation is.

I have to do my personal stuff till morning. As the pm shift people log onto the thread they are going to be surprised by the activity. Lol

The uncle checked in and should be taxiing the run way as I type. A half size egg run outs cool. It will boost our numbers in some breeds and introducing orders

New breeds include mottled Houdan, banty barred rocks, banty barred Cochin, white faced black Spanish, white emporadesa and some penedesenca as well as silver penciled rock.
I may be having lice/ mite problems. The back of the necks of my 18 week old brahmas are losing feathers. Where do i apply pour on ivermectin or does it matter? How long will it last. Is it safe to eat the eggs?

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