Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

[COLOR=333333][COLOR=FF0000]M[/COLOR][COLOR=0000CD]r[/COLOR][COLOR=008080]s[/COLOR] [COLOR=800000]O[/COLOR][COLOR=FF8C00]z[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Happy birthday mrs oz....belated though it is ..have a joyous day!! :)
Baby croads 3 out 2 more pipped
Quick question (was going to ask over at the NY thread, but moderators locked it....somebody questioned moderation).

I set 24 eggs in my Brinsea...first time using it. It has a built-in thermometer and I added a second thermometer that I nicked from my son's snake habitat (much to his chagrin). Both read the same reading for the first couple of days.

Last night the built-in showed a slightly lower temp than the added thermometer. This morning, the added thermometer shows 100 degrees and the built in shows 98.

Which one do I believe? Both of those temps are wrong...too high or too low, right? I'm not sure if I should adjust up or down!
Quick question (was going to ask over at the NY thread, but moderators locked it....somebody questioned moderation).

I set 24 eggs in my Brinsea...first time using it. It has a built-in thermometer and I added a second thermometer that I nicked from my son's snake habitat (much to his chagrin). Both read the same reading for the first couple of days.

Last night the built-in showed a slightly lower temp than the added thermometer. This morning, the added thermometer shows 100 degrees and the built in shows 98.

Which one do I believe? Both of those temps are wrong...too high or too low, right? I'm not sure if I should adjust up or down!
i dont know brinseas - drop into the incubators anonymous thread.

if it was mine i would try turning it off for 2 minutes and powering it back up.

Is the second thermometer digital?
No, neither thermometer is digital. Both are bulb type. Which is kind of why its so weird, lol.

ETA: Actually, my son's thermometer is a dial type.
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No, neither thermometer is digital. Both are bulb type. Which is kind of why its so weird, lol.
i would be most inclined to trust the digital thermostst in the brinsea

are the thermometers together or a distance apart? there may be variations in the incubator

next sit them in ice water and chyeck their calibration

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